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How to configure Apahce with websocket through python daphne DJango on EC2 server

Below is my virtual host for running python <VirtualHost *:8000> DocumentRoot /var/www/VITSBACKEND ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log ...
Shubham Gupta's user avatar
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Secure websocket connection to server running on EC2 fails

I have a node.js websocket server running on an EC2 instance on port 8080. Normal websocket connections (ws://) work fine but when I'm trying to make a secure connection (wss://), the websocket ...
Debabrata Mondal's user avatar
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2 answers

How to open a socket on EC2 instance?

I want to send webcam video from my laptop to aws EC2 instance. I'm trying to follow suggestions from here and code from here. The issue I'm facing is that I do not know how to open a socket and ...
mirzaD14's user avatar
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How to connect to 4 websockets, 1 of them through my own proxy?

I have an EC2 instance. I need to receive data from 4 separate websockets located in different regions around the world. Three of the websockets are working fine, but one of the websockets is being ...
JacksonCounty's user avatar
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What is the fastest posible way to comunicate to a server on Amazon EC2?

I need to communicate via WebSockes and normal HTTP. I am trying to save some microseconds. I have already done: I got an instance at the same Amazon EC2 zone. The ping is 1 millisecond. I have ...
Pedro Serra's user avatar
3 votes
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An Issue with an AWS EC2 instance when connecting it to WebSocket

As I tried to run the chat app from localhost connected to MySQL database which had been coded with PHP via WebSocket it was successful. Also when I tried to run from the PuTTY terminal logged into ...
Nɪsʜᴀɴᴛʜ ॐ's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Cannot get websocket connection working with ec2 + application load balancer

I have an aws application load balancer with an https listener on port 9999, forwarding to a group on port 9999 with an ec2-instance being the target. If I run my websocket server with the host name ...
patrick's user avatar
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wss not working in https but ws works in http apache2 ubuntu

My websocket setup works in http. But if I enable ssl(lets encrypt) and change the ws:// to wss://, browser throws this error. WebSocket connection to 'wss://xx.yy.xx.yy:5001/' failed: Error in ...
krkart's user avatar
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Amazon AWS WebSocket Load Balancing Scale-In

We are in the process of developing a WebSocket application that will run on the same application servers that serve our APIs, which are all within a target group of a new Amazon Application Load ...
Sivart's user avatar
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