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How to configure an Apache reverse proxy for GitLab with websocket?

I have a self-hosted GitLab instance behind an Apache reverse proxy. Since one of the last releases, real-time updates stopped working. One symptom I could detect was that some websocket calls (to ...
quazgar's user avatar
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Is it possible in Apache MPM-Event to force it to stop connections after a timeout when a process is shutting down and the scoreboard is full?

We are using WebSockets that hold connections for a long time, possibly weeks. Apache 2.4.41 w/MPMEvent sometimes decides to stop a process (such as 1: when load drops, 2: when user reloads ...
arberg's user avatar
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2 answers

websockets apache2 not working

I'm busy with implementing websockets on our reverse proxy (apache2) we redirect our traffic to tomcat with a proxypass but it's not working we get an 403 (forbidden in our logs) apache vhost file: &...
Sander Böhm's user avatar
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Troubleshooting Apache ProxyPass Error 500 for WebSockets in VHost Config

I'm encountering an issue with my Apache VHost configuration, and I could use some help to understand and resolve it. Here are the details: I have a Linux server with the following specifications: ...
takraw's user avatar
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How to configure Apache 2.4 to use ProxyPass to rewrite the websocket's port?

My Nodejs WS ( pure Websocket, I am not using ) works on port 5000 and I wish to proxy pass to the domain itself. I have tried to add the following lines but I still failed to get myself ...
Hypothesis's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

HTTP and websocket on the same port and domain behind reverse proxy

I wanted to try Node-Red and have installed it on my Ubuntu server. This server runs an apache reverse proxy but I can't get it to work right. If I create a virtualhost for the HTTP connection I can ...
screendoor's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

"Bad Request" when sending request to Socket.IO app via Apache

What I have I have Socket.IO app letteraly from template const express = require('express'); const app = express(); const http = require('http'); const server = http.createServer(app); const { Server }...
RoyalGoose's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Replicate nginx reverse proxy config using apache

nginx config: server { listen 443 ssl http2; listen [::]:443 ssl http2; ssl_certificate /path/to/tls/tls.crt; ssl_certificate_key /path/to/tls/tls.key; server_name the.domain....
TREX's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache WebSockets "400 proxy error"

We're trying to present the WebSocket-enabled interface from a remote device on our website. I've configured the WebSocket tunnel in Apache, but I'm getting a "400 Proxy Error" in Firefox (...
Roger Dueck's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can Apache-2.4 hand off a client connection to a PHP script that speaks WebSocket to the client?

I have an Apache-2.4 web server. It will execute PHP scripts if a client requests, and the output of the script shows up in the browser window. (Or it can be ...
Dave M.'s user avatar
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Apache Reverse Proxy and ShinyProxy

I wrote a shiny web application and deploy it on a server using ShinyProxy. Accessing the app directly via the IP address and port 8080 works fine. However, I need to connect it to a URL. On the ...
user's user avatar
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2 votes
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Tomcat servlet will not complete websocket connection

I am moving a set working servlets from one server to another Old server, Centos6, Apache 2.2, Tomcat 9 New Server, Centos7, Apache 2.4, Tomcat 9 I have about 5 servlets running from the old server ...
ScottD's user avatar
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Configure Apache Web Server (shared hosting) to provide simultaneous Web and Websocket Access

I'm trying since some days to find a way to configure simultaneous websocket and web server connections with one same Apache Web Server I have on a shared hosting basis. Now, before giving that up and ...
DevelJoe's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy to websocket in same context as http

I have an Apache/2.4.6 installation working as a reverse proxy for some applications. Now I have to configure another one. HTTP proxying is working great, but in some sections of the webpage, the ...
Mike B's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

No protocol handler was valid for the URL / (scheme 'ws')

Trying to setup a websocket proxy using apache2, I get the following error: No protocol handler was valid for the URL / (scheme 'ws'). If you are using a DSO version of mod_proxy, make sure the proxy ...
Mohsen Saberi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Apache error "ProxyPass unknown Worker parameter" when using "upgrade=WebSocket"?

I am trying to relay the WebSocket connection of V2Ray with Apache according to This post, and the snippet below worked before. <LocationMatch "/{ws_path}}/"> ProxyPass ws://{...
whc2001's user avatar
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771 views proxy through Apache and its performance

I am trying to setup a server for a Socket.IO game, but we will also have a little landing page in php served through Apache. I managed to make the server work by doing a proxy from Apache to the ...
Friendly Zeppelin's user avatar
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WebSockets + Apache and Nginx in “reverse proxy mode” + SSL/secure

As I had tried to connect PHP WebSocket from through HTTP, since it was successful and again after loading certificates and making HTTPS it didn't work. As my hosting server's nginx is ...
Nɪsʜᴀɴᴛʜ ॐ's user avatar
2 votes
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websocket cannot connect via apache reverse proxy

I am using the terminado and i am running the inside the demo folder on port 9090 from inside a docker container with a ip of So i have set up a reverse proxy using apache2: <...
Satnam Sandhu's user avatar
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1 answer

wss not working in https but ws works in http apache2 ubuntu

My websocket setup works in http. But if I enable ssl(lets encrypt) and change the ws:// to wss://, browser throws this error. WebSocket connection to 'wss://xx.yy.xx.yy:5001/' failed: Error in ...
krkart's user avatar
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Using Apache to relay wss (web-socket) protocol to backend

I'm using Apache 2.4.27. I need to tunnel a client's wss request through an Apache reverse-proxy, to a backend server. However, from a tcpdump, it appears the wss request is being rejected by the ...
Matt Muggeridge's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Apache Cluster + Tomcat websocket

We've recently configured a new Cluster with the following configuration: | APACHE + MOD_JK (AJP) Load Balancer / \ Tomcat1 ...
Medioman92's user avatar
2 votes
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Apache2 WSS-rewrite

Trying my luck her as StackOverflow was not the right place to ask. Hopefully this is where my question belongs! I have been pulling my hair the last few days getting websockets to work with Apache2....
Erik's user avatar
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In Apache how do I configure a sub-url redirection to

I got a simple node.js websocket server: var io = require('')(12345); io.on('connection', function(socket){ console.log('a user connected'); socket.on('disconnect', function(){ ...
Nelson Teixeira's user avatar
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No protocol handler was valid for the URL /url. If you are using a DSO version of mod_proxy

Trying to set up a load balancer using Apache 2.4.x on Windows. Error: No protocol handler was valid for the URL /path/. If you are using a DSO version of mod_proxy, make sure the proxy submodules ...
Himani Singla's user avatar
3 votes
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Apache 2.4.7 mod_proxy_wstunnel tunneling too much (HTTP as well as WS)

I'm running Apache 2.4.7 as a reverse proxy on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. This Apache server acts as the entrypoint to a lot of different backend applications, which are accessed via different mod_proxy ...
Brian Beckett's user avatar
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websocketserver behind nginx and apache

How is it possible to establish a websocket connection through nginx and apache, where both act as reverse proxies. The system is setup with apache on the main host and a tornado webapplication in a ...
eatdas's user avatar
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Apache2: Is Proxy from https to http secure

Im pretty new at all this server stuff, and I have a question regarding the security of the apache proxy. What I am doing is: I have a websocket server running in non secure mode on port 11221 on the ...
Felix's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Apache mod_proxy: forward secure websocket to non-secure

The websocket library I rely on (PHP-Websockets) does not yet support secure sockets (wss). My website is served over https though, so I cannot use insecure ws connections. I'm trying to use Apache's ...
BeetleJuice's user avatar
2 votes
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Does Apache process handling Websocket proxy also serve same client for http?

In choosing to adopt Websocket as the real-time technology behind a web application for my company, I'm trying to determine what the server workload will be. So far as I understand Apache internals, ...
B. Lawson's user avatar
7 votes
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ws protocol and apache mod_proxy_wstunnel configuration: error 500

I got an error 500 when trying to access to ws://localhost:8080/ via my Apache2 server. This server runs OpenSuse Leap 42.1 and Apache 2.4.16. These Apache2 modules are enabled: mod_proxy, ...
jack-y's user avatar
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Why my websockets application deployed on tomcat is not getting the shibboleth headers?

My stack looks like this: Apache httpd server 2.4.12: with mod_shibd, mod_proxy_http & mod_proxy_wstunnel Shibboleth 2.5 Apache Tomcat 7.0.54 Our scenario looks like this: --------- -...
Gaucho's user avatar
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8 votes
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ProxyPass a WebSocket connection to a UNIX socket

In Apache 2.4 you can reverse proxy an HTTP connection to a local Unix socket with: [1] ProxyPass unix:/path/to/app.sock| You can reverse proxy a WebSocket connection to a ...
Kijewski's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy sometimes takes over all requests

I am using my apache as a reverse proxy for a few requests to a webserver running on an internal port to allow access via my regular virtual host. This is on an ubuntu 15 running in vagrant. Here's ...
Christof's user avatar
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3 answers

Apache proxy all ws connections to different port

In my Apache 2.4 vhost I'm trying to get all https:// traffic to carry on to port 443, but all ws:// traffic to forward onto ws://*:6969. Eg: would just go to https://...
KapowKi's user avatar
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Apache wstunnel_proxy not working

I am trying to connect to my websocket server using html 5 websockets. The direct connection works fine, but when I try to hide my server behind apache proxy it does not work. it ends up: var ws = ...
Dusan Plavak's user avatar
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Websockets behind Apache and Nginx proxy connection not upgraded

I have a problem. Apache listens on a white ip and proxies all requests /ssd on nginx that proxies requests /city-dashboard to another server with websockets. In apache config: ProxyPass /ssd/ http://...
reddaemon's user avatar
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Reverse proxy requests based on http:// or ws:// in request header

From a previously asked question I know that I can route requests to a different servers with reverse proxy, such as mod_proxy for apache. My question is, before I dig deeper into its setup, which of ...
Maxim V. Pavlov's user avatar
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Sticky sessions with Apache load balancer for 1.0

I've been messing around with Apache as a load balancer for my server. I went through the following topic and now everything seems to be fine. Configuring Apache 2.4 mod_proxy_wstunnel for ...
Peyman's user avatar
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mod_proxy_wstunnel Status line does not end with CRLF

I'm using Apache 2.4.9 with mod_proxy_wstunnel and Proxy balancer to load balance between two websocket servers. I have a Spring Websocket Server to which my client is able to connect without any ...
Robin Varghese's user avatar