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How to configure Apahce with websocket through python daphne DJango on EC2 server

Below is my virtual host for running python <VirtualHost *:8000> DocumentRoot /var/www/VITSBACKEND ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log ...
Shubham Gupta's user avatar
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Access errors passing traffic from nginx to daphne server

I've got a GKE private k8s cluster with nginx and a django application running with wsgi and asgi. Logs from nginx show that websocket requests get a 403, and the logs on the daphne pod are showing &...
markwalker_'s user avatar
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WebSocket connection to 'wss:// failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404 on channels

I face this error while using channels for WebSockets on django production: WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected ...
MeHDI RH's user avatar
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Websocket working within LAN but 502 error from remote client with nginx proxy

I have this really frustrating problem where my server which consists of an nginx reverse proxy and django/channels/daphne websocket host is functioning within the local LAN but from a remote client ...
Chris's user avatar
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High CPU load in a data aquisition server

I`ve setup a small python program that uses a websocket connection to acquire data from an API and write it to a postgresql database. There are only two (user) programs running: the websocket ...
Alex's user avatar
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NGINX Websocket initial communication delay

I've created a Django server that is making use of django-channels for websocket communication. When I run the server with NGINX there is an initial delay in websocket communication between the server ...
MCBama's user avatar
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