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Nginx SSL handshake issue

Experiencing WebSocket issues for a SignalR chat in the UI while running in production, but in locally it's working. We are using C# in the backend and React in the UI. I have checked the server log. ...
Anitha Sivakumar's user avatar
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How to configure Apache 2.4 to use ProxyPass to rewrite the websocket's port?

My Nodejs WS ( pure Websocket, I am not using ) works on port 5000 and I wish to proxy pass to the domain itself. I have tried to add the following lines but I still failed to get myself ...
Hypothesis's user avatar
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kubernetes pod with a socket connection not firing 'close' event

I have a Kubernetes deployment where a pod connects to a client via TCP Socket. On connect and disconnect different events happen. In the dev environment the server can respond to connections, data, ...
Kasey Chakos's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Error 404 when connecting to websocket behind nginx proxy_pass

I would like to serve up a websocket behind a location on my webserver. For example, if my domain is http://mydomain I would like my websocket to be available at ws://mydomain/ws. I am running a ...
Justin Gilman's user avatar
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(105: No buffer space available) while connecting to upstream,

The server is returning 500 error. And in the logs I see many records like (105: No buffer space available) while connecting to upstream Tried to restart server : didn't help. Increased the number ...
Alexander P's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I forward websocket communication through an intermediary server?

I'm trying to connect a websocket server (linux machine) and client (web browser) through an intermediary server (hosted on an AWS EC2 instance). The EC2 instance provides a public IP that the ...
Nick Sweet's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Configure Meteor in a server without websocket support

I was asked to test a meteor (js) website in a server without websockets support, how can I achieve this? How can I really know that a server is not capable of using websockets?
w3jimmy's user avatar
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Heroku and out of memory

I have a setup with websockets on heroku and every now and then i get a flurry of messages like this: 06:24.591694+00:00 heroku router - - at=error code=H15 desc="Idle connection" method=GET path="/...
Henric Malmberg's user avatar