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recv() failed (104: Unknown error) while proxying upgraded connection in nginx

We have a printing application running behind an nginx, and since moving to a new proxy server with a newer nginx, customers are intermittently reporting System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketException (...
Rickard Olsson's user avatar
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How to override query parameter of original websocket request after extenal authentication?

I use nginx external authentication and have a problem when a request is a websocket request. As a webscoket request hasn't headers it passes jwt token in query string parameter access_token. Nginx ...
Infoman's user avatar
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Nginx - SignalR Web socket Connection Error: Error: WebSocket failed to connect. 500 internal server error

UI: const connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder()' .withUrl("", { skipNegotiation: true, transport: signalR.HttpTransportType....
Anitha Sivakumar's user avatar
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Nginx SSL handshake issue

Experiencing WebSocket issues for a SignalR chat in the UI while running in production, but in locally it's working. We are using C# in the backend and React in the UI. I have checked the server log. ...
Anitha Sivakumar's user avatar
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Flask-SocketIO Performance Bottleneck - QueuePool Overflow After Upgrade

I'll try to keep this brief, but I have a lot of code examples to show. Please let me know if you need more context! We recently updated our flask server to handle web socket connections using flask ...
maximosis's user avatar
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Forward local generated Secure Websocket traffic (wss) through an HTTP/HTTPS proxy to reach internet

I have a python webex_bot application ( which uses websockets for webex cloud communication. The problem is that the server in which the bot is being hosted on, ...
panchis's user avatar
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nginx logging (111: connection refused) when connecting to a websocket

So I have a small Raspberry Pi on my local network that I use to host a server. It is a fairly simple setup, with nginx and my npm-hosted server stood up in containers using docker-compose. my npm ...
Flotolk's user avatar
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Access errors passing traffic from nginx to daphne server

I've got a GKE private k8s cluster with nginx and a django application running with wsgi and asgi. Logs from nginx show that websocket requests get a 403, and the logs on the daphne pod are showing &...
markwalker_'s user avatar
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Nginx upstream wss proxy SSL_read() failed (SSL: error:0A000126:SSL routines::unexpected eof while reading)

What I need is Client <--wss---> nginx <--wss--> server I am doing a wss proxy, I have already got it working on Apache but I want to switch to nginx now here's the apache config: <...
Steve Moretz's user avatar
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After establishing WebSocket tunnel, does NGINX continue to 'be in the loop'?

I have a WebSocket server-side application fronted by an Nginx reverse proxy and all is working great. The WS app runs in a container as does Nginx, and both then work together as a service. Now I'm ...
mmuurr's user avatar
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How do I get SignalR server deployed on AWS EKS behind nginx to allow websocket protocol connections?

I have a .NET 6 Web API with SignalR. Everything works perfectly when connecting directly to the API - locally as well as via Endpoint IP:Port on AWS EKS. However, it's failing to connect specifically ...
Akshay Rajpaul's user avatar
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Nginx: Websocket on port 80 is not working

I have a simple NodeJs Websocket application running, the code for it is // Importing the required modules const WebSocketServer = require('ws'); // Creating a new websocket server const wss = new ...
Bidyut's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I configure reverse proxy for WSS support on a different port?

I'm using the vaultwarden docker container, which basically requires a reverse proxy to provide SSL. The container runs a separate web server for Websockets, because Rust's rocket doesn't support web ...
John's user avatar
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Loadbalancing websockets with nginx behind haproxy

I have an Nginx instance which serves requests proxied to it from an haproxy. This instance should balance load between several websocket server. To get better performance the load balancing should be ...
mhk's user avatar
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What happens to existing HTTP and Websocket connections when the NGINX configuration reloads?

Let’s say we have a pretty standard blue/green deployment setup. NGINX is currently proxying all traffic to the live server (BLUE). We then deploy an updated version of our code to the idle server (...
rationaltiger24's user avatar
4 votes
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NGINX double proxy not allowing websocket connections

I have two nginx proxies setup on my machine, one to unwrapp SSL and the other to do application-specific proxying (only the second one is version controlled). When I only had one proxy I was able to ...
Simon Richard's user avatar
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Can't establish wss connection [React + ASP.NET Core, SignalR + nginx]

I have React app that talks to Asp.Net core API. Both of them are deployed on Docker on my VM. Nginx is installed and configured to resolve domain names for app ( - for react app, api.thesis....
urmat abdykerimov's user avatar
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"Bad Request" when sending request to Socket.IO app via Apache

What I have I have Socket.IO app letteraly from template const express = require('express'); const app = express(); const http = require('http'); const server = http.createServer(app); const { Server }...
RoyalGoose's user avatar
1 vote
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Replicate nginx reverse proxy config using apache

nginx config: server { listen 443 ssl http2; listen [::]:443 ssl http2; ssl_certificate /path/to/tls/tls.crt; ssl_certificate_key /path/to/tls/tls.key; server_name the.domain....
TREX's user avatar
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how to set up websocket server along with two laravel backend and a spa

i have two laravel backend setup on different routes. and there is a spa on root. now i want to set a websocket server along with it. here is my website.conf ############## block-4 : multiple ...
rajeshtva's user avatar
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WSS Connectivity issue on production

I am using Angular8 as frontend and Nodejs as backend I have Configured WSS on production ,but connection with client not working properly, In one page connection is working but in another page ...
Satish Umagol's user avatar
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SSL Error: How to use Nginx with Node.js App using Angular and websocket

I am running into an SSL error when setting up Nginx as a reverse proxy for a Node.js app. This app uses Angular to serve dynamic content and for WebSocket, we use ws. WS working properly but when ...
user23316's user avatar
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How to create a websocket backend?

I'm getting clueless on this topic. I have a working websocket connection using Mosquitto on server_1 . The webapp that needs to publish the websocket data is in server_2 and is accessed behind a ...
glass's user avatar
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5 votes
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Nginx reverse proxy + URL rewrite + websockets

I saw this Question, but it doesn't seem to work for me. Current (working) situation is: server { listen 443 ssl; server_name; ssl_certificate fullchain.pem; ...
ZioByte's user avatar
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Can Nginx limit incoming websocket message size?

In the JS WebSocket library, you can limit the maximum allowed incoming message size via the maxPayload option. I'd like to impose this limit in my Nginx reverse proxy layer, before it gets to my ...
rynop's user avatar
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Nginx socket reverse proxy got 503 responses on concurrent requests

I am using Nginx as a reverse proxy for my PHP base WebSocket application and I try to load test the WebSocket server with Nginx reverse proxy. And I got 503 errors when concurrent users reach around ...
Set Kyar Wa Lar's user avatar
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Apache Reverse Proxy and ShinyProxy

I wrote a shiny web application and deploy it on a server using ShinyProxy. Accessing the app directly via the IP address and port 8080 works fine. However, I need to connect it to a URL. On the ...
user's user avatar
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Nginx Config for ws://<ip>:<port>

I have a domain i call it <domain> and ip call <ip> and port <my-local-port>, i wan't using nginx on my server (dns binded to my server success), my problem is that reverse proxy ws:/...
Morteza j8's user avatar
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NGINX deny all except websockets for Flask app

I have an Ubuntu server running Flask app under nginx, this is my conf: upstream flaskapp { server fail_timeout=0; } server { listen 80; server_name _; location / { ...
Igniter's user avatar
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5 votes
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Nginx proxy websocket: is it required to close the connection to backend after upgrading to a websocket?

Base on what I could read on nginx site The exemple they give will close all connections to backend. This isn't really what we want on a proxy setup, ...
Antony Gibbs's user avatar
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Configure NGINX Reverse Proxy in front of Apache Web Server (to enable websockets)

Upon recommendation of a member of the stackoverflow forum, I hereby ask the following question in this forum, where it apparently fits better (I'm new to this forum). What exactly I want: A ...
DevelJoe's user avatar
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How to solve Nginx WebSocket secure (wss) "error 426 Upgrade Required"?

I tried to configure a Websocket proxy on my Nginx server, but unfortunately, I don't get it working. I have read various post here but I cannot get the server work. I think it has something to do ...
Dominique's user avatar
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NGINX Proxy_Pass to websocket server on a Plesk Server

I am trying to get a websocket client connected to my server with a ssl connection. I want to reach it with (subdomains would also be an option) and the websocket server is ...
Constantin's user avatar
3 votes
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Error 404 when connecting to websocket behind nginx proxy_pass

I would like to serve up a websocket behind a location on my webserver. For example, if my domain is http://mydomain I would like my websocket to be available at ws://mydomain/ws. I am running a ...
Justin Gilman's user avatar
2 votes
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(105: No buffer space available) while connecting to upstream,

The server is returning 500 error. And in the logs I see many records like (105: No buffer space available) while connecting to upstream Tried to restart server : didn't help. Increased the number ...
Alexander P's user avatar
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Any reasons against a very high value in proxy_send_timeout for websockets?

I use nginx as an ingress controller in Kubernetes. I have a websocket connection between 2 applications which you should stay open indefinitely. There is a reconnect mechanism but that should be ...
wrdls's user avatar
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Nginx: proxy_set_header "Upgrade" slows down the server

I have a site that I'd like to enhance with using WebSocket based features. The site is behind an Nginx reverse proxy. My config for the server looks like this: location / { ...
László Stahorszki's user avatar
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Error 200 during WebSocket handshake: Aws load balancer + ec2 websocket

I'm using load balancer in front of an aws ec2 instance(I will have more in future). In this ec2, I have a website being served by nginx on port 80, a nodejs app listening on 8080 and the websocket on ...
Sandro Benevides's user avatar
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Nginx timeout for websocket

I'm connecting a client with websocket through Nginx (as a reverse proxy) to an core application. Between server and client there are heartbeat commands to keep websocket connection open. My ...
Mathias's user avatar
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NGINX Proxy pass to WebSocket and PHP not working with SSL

I'm trying to route requests in Nginx in the following way: Requests made to / should go to a PHP script (proxy.php, which itself is a proxy) Requests made to /websocket should be proxied to http://...
Rico Leuthold's user avatar
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Redirect websocket and json in SSL with NGINX

I'm getting crazy to solve a problem with the neginx configuration of a live blogging platform. In http it works, and here is the configuration: /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf server { listen ...
Roberto Pezzali's user avatar
1 vote
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WebSockets + Apache and Nginx in “reverse proxy mode” + SSL/secure

As I had tried to connect PHP WebSocket from through HTTP, since it was successful and again after loading certificates and making HTTPS it didn't work. As my hosting server's nginx is ...
Nɪsʜᴀɴᴛʜ ॐ's user avatar
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Nginx websoket reverse proxy caching

I'm currently using nginx to reverse proxy a websocket based application. Can I enable caching websocket messages to make the application available when service behind is down? I know caching is ...
Lahiru Jayakody's user avatar
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Nginx + + Proxy

After reading several articles, I'm still unable to get my communication working via a nginx proxy. Below is my nginx configuration: map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade { default ...
Anshul Koka's user avatar
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Nginx: How to log the number of bytes sent over a websocket?

I am using nginx as a websocket reverse-proxy. I would like to log the number of bytes sent (and ideally also received) over a websocket. If I use $body_bytes_sent in log_format, the entry in the ...
seeker6's user avatar
4 votes
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nginx setup for wss:// keep getting 301 redirects

Can't get wss:// (or ws://) working on my Digital Ocean, Ubuntu server using nginx, keep getting 301 redirect and no connection. Websocket server: node + express + uws served on http://localhost:...
Michael Dausmann's user avatar
16 votes
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Proxy Websockets and HTTP through the same location in Nginx

Right now there's an application that allows people to connect to a Desktop app through the web by exposing an AngularJS web server powered by Atmosphere. The Desktop app exposes the current person's ...
Jose A's user avatar
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Websocket working within LAN but 502 error from remote client with nginx proxy

I have this really frustrating problem where my server which consists of an nginx reverse proxy and django/channels/daphne websocket host is functioning within the local LAN but from a remote client ...
Chris's user avatar
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How to make TCP server in node.js sticky?

This is a TCP server for receiving data from GPS server const net = require('net'); const lora_packet = require('lora-packet'); const clients = []; const server = net.createServer(function (socket) ...
Abhishek Yadav's user avatar
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nginx: [emerg] unknown directive "<^>upstream"

I'm configuring nginx as a reverse proxy. I have the following in my nginx.conf: user www-data; worker_processes auto; pid /run/; include /etc/nginx/modules-enabled/*.conf; events { ...
Peter David Carter's user avatar