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How can I make reverse proxy for websocket requests on apache

I have a website written on Laravel with Reverb for websockets. Everything works except websockets. They are sent from the browser to the server in the form wss:// (which throw an ...
Jivko Jelev's user avatar
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How to configure an Apache reverse proxy for GitLab with websocket?

I have a self-hosted GitLab instance behind an Apache reverse proxy. Since one of the last releases, real-time updates stopped working. One symptom I could detect was that some websocket calls (to ...
quazgar's user avatar
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How to configure Apache 2.4 to use ProxyPass to rewrite the websocket's port?

My Nodejs WS ( pure Websocket, I am not using ) works on port 5000 and I wish to proxy pass to the domain itself. I have tried to add the following lines but I still failed to get myself ...
Hypothesis's user avatar
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Does reverse proxying the WebSockets servers make sense from scaling perspective?

I have reverse proxy and multiple WebSocket servers behind it. I'm confused whether it makes any sense from scaling perspective, because I see it like that: The WebSocket server A has 30,000 active ...
Szyszka947's user avatar
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Nginx upstream wss proxy SSL_read() failed (SSL: error:0A000126:SSL routines::unexpected eof while reading)

What I need is Client <--wss---> nginx <--wss--> server I am doing a wss proxy, I have already got it working on Apache but I want to switch to nginx now here's the apache config: <...
Steve Moretz's user avatar
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Does apache ProxyPass handle tls for websocket too?

I'm new to proxypass, Let's say this is our config: <IfModule mod_ssl.c> <VirtualHost *:443> # The ServerName directive sets the request scheme, hostname and port that # ...
Steve Moretz's user avatar
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How to set websocket reverse proxy with both proxy_set_header and SSL allowed?

I get a project where the outer websocket reverse-proxy is implemented by nginx stream. However, steam only means "TCP" and it lost http features like writing the IP's alone the route. Here ...
George Y's user avatar
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5 votes
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Nginx reverse proxy + URL rewrite + websockets

I saw this Question, but it doesn't seem to work for me. Current (working) situation is: server { listen 443 ssl; server_name; ssl_certificate fullchain.pem; ...
ZioByte's user avatar
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Nginx socket reverse proxy got 503 responses on concurrent requests

I am using Nginx as a reverse proxy for my PHP base WebSocket application and I try to load test the WebSocket server with Nginx reverse proxy. And I got 503 errors when concurrent users reach around ...
Set Kyar Wa Lar's user avatar
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Apache Reverse Proxy and ShinyProxy

I wrote a shiny web application and deploy it on a server using ShinyProxy. Accessing the app directly via the IP address and port 8080 works fine. However, I need to connect it to a URL. On the ...
user's user avatar
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Configure Apache Web Server (shared hosting) to provide simultaneous Web and Websocket Access

I'm trying since some days to find a way to configure simultaneous websocket and web server connections with one same Apache Web Server I have on a shared hosting basis. Now, before giving that up and ...
DevelJoe's user avatar
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Configure NGINX Reverse Proxy in front of Apache Web Server (to enable websockets)

Upon recommendation of a member of the stackoverflow forum, I hereby ask the following question in this forum, where it apparently fits better (I'm new to this forum). What exactly I want: A ...
DevelJoe's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy to websocket in same context as http

I have an Apache/2.4.6 installation working as a reverse proxy for some applications. Now I have to configure another one. HTTP proxying is working great, but in some sections of the webpage, the ...
Mike B's user avatar
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3 votes
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No protocol handler was valid for the URL / (scheme 'ws')

Trying to setup a websocket proxy using apache2, I get the following error: No protocol handler was valid for the URL / (scheme 'ws'). If you are using a DSO version of mod_proxy, make sure the proxy ...
Mohsen Saberi's user avatar
2 votes
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Nginx timeout for websocket

I'm connecting a client with websocket through Nginx (as a reverse proxy) to an core application. Between server and client there are heartbeat commands to keep websocket connection open. My ...
Mathias's user avatar
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Nginx + + Proxy

After reading several articles, I'm still unable to get my communication working via a nginx proxy. Below is my nginx configuration: map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade { default ...
Anshul Koka's user avatar
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websocket cannot connect via apache reverse proxy

I am using the terminado and i am running the inside the demo folder on port 9090 from inside a docker container with a ip of So i have set up a reverse proxy using apache2: <...
Satnam Sandhu's user avatar
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Using Apache to relay wss (web-socket) protocol to backend

I'm using Apache 2.4.27. I need to tunnel a client's wss request through an Apache reverse-proxy, to a backend server. However, from a tcpdump, it appears the wss request is being rejected by the ...
Matt Muggeridge's user avatar
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How to make TCP server in node.js sticky?

This is a TCP server for receiving data from GPS server const net = require('net'); const lora_packet = require('lora-packet'); const clients = []; const server = net.createServer(function (socket) ...
Abhishek Yadav's user avatar
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nginx: [emerg] unknown directive "<^>upstream"

I'm configuring nginx as a reverse proxy. I have the following in my nginx.conf: user www-data; worker_processes auto; pid /run/; include /etc/nginx/modules-enabled/*.conf; events { ...
Peter David Carter's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxies with separate SSL termination and websockets

I'm trying to chain proxies. The first one for SSL, next one - for dispatching to the servers. The first one (secure-gateway-nginx) just unwraps SSL and passes to the gateway-nginx: server { ...
Velkan's user avatar
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Confluence (Synchrony) using websockets behind IIS8 can't copy or insert large blocks of text

I've got a Confluence 6.1.0 setup running behind an IIS8 reverse proxy doing SSL. Everything works except for one small problem. When I try to copy a three or four paragraphs of text, attempt to ...
meeper's user avatar
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nginx as proxy for WebSocket: inspect and block certain requests

I ran NodeJS as a kind of Webapplication Server serving an AngularJS frontend. They communicate solely over WebSockets, using the SailsJS implementation of Socket.IO. Between frontend (client) and the ...
cis's user avatar
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Apache 2.4.7 mod_proxy_wstunnel tunneling too much (HTTP as well as WS)

I'm running Apache 2.4.7 as a reverse proxy on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. This Apache server acts as the entrypoint to a lot of different backend applications, which are accessed via different mod_proxy ...
Brian Beckett's user avatar
4 votes
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Add proxy headers in named location using nested location regex

I'm trying to setup a WebSocket endpoint on my Rails API using Nginx and Puma. What I have (working but ugly) The following Nginx configuration works fine, however I feel like I could use something ...
Habovh's user avatar
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When does the Nginx error happen, recv() failed (110: Connection timed out) while proxying upgraded connection

I am using Nginx 1.10.1 for my APP to balance connections on Websocket. For example, the App A(multi-process) establish Websocket connections to B1, B2 through Nginx so that the connections could be ...
asleea's user avatar
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Does Apache process handling Websocket proxy also serve same client for http?

In choosing to adopt Websocket as the real-time technology behind a web application for my company, I'm trying to determine what the server workload will be. So far as I understand Apache internals, ...
B. Lawson's user avatar
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nginx proxy_pass two ports into subfolders

So I had my last "reverse proxy" problem fixed regarding "mapping" a port to a subfolder Thanks again to this awesome community. I have been able to work with this solution for a while but now I am ...
pAt84's user avatar
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Websocket reverse proxy with nginx: Error about request in server log, but works in browser

The situation I am running Etherpad, which is proxied via nginx. Etherpad uses Websockets with My nginx config is more or less this one. The location block for is this: rewrite ...
rugk's user avatar
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8 votes
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ProxyPass a WebSocket connection to a UNIX socket

In Apache 2.4 you can reverse proxy an HTTP connection to a local Unix socket with: [1] ProxyPass unix:/path/to/app.sock| You can reverse proxy a WebSocket connection to a ...
Kijewski's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy sometimes takes over all requests

I am using my apache as a reverse proxy for a few requests to a webserver running on an internal port to allow access via my regular virtual host. This is on an ubuntu 15 running in vagrant. Here's ...
Christof's user avatar
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2 votes
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How does nginx websocket proxy work?

I'm wondered about how nginx handles tons active websocket connections? There is a lot of limitations, like a number of open files, maximum of 65k TCP connections between IP <-> (IP, port) and so ...
Ivan Velichko's user avatar
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Websockets behind Apache and Nginx proxy connection not upgraded

I have a problem. Apache listens on a white ip and proxies all requests /ssd on nginx that proxies requests /city-dashboard to another server with websockets. In apache config: ProxyPass /ssd/ http://...
reddaemon's user avatar
8 votes
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Nginx WebSocket reverse proxy keeps return 200 instead of 101

I'm currently trying to have a on my personal server working. Long story short, it consists of two servers. The first is a simple httpd server serving javascript and CSS. The second one, ...
axellink's user avatar
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How can I secure an insecure Meteor by using Nginx?

I have an insecure Meteor running on AWS. For those not familiar with Meteor, that means I am using the "insecure" package, which trades security for rapid prototyping. I only need our development ...
Ruby's user avatar
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