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How do I setup a SSL certificate for an express.js server behind a load balancer?

I'm restructuring my server structure by splitting them up instead of running everything from one server. I looked here but that just specifies what I were already doing in the original setup with ...
ii iml0sto1's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

WSS Connectivity issue on production

I am using Angular8 as frontend and Nodejs as backend I have Configured WSS on production ,but connection with client not working properly, In one page connection is working but in another page ...
Satish Umagol's user avatar
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SSL Error: How to use Nginx with Node.js App using Angular and websocket

I am running into an SSL error when setting up Nginx as a reverse proxy for a Node.js app. This app uses Angular to serve dynamic content and for WebSocket, we use ws. WS working properly but when ...
user23316's user avatar
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1 answer

How to solve Nginx WebSocket secure (wss) "error 426 Upgrade Required"?

I tried to configure a Websocket proxy on my Nginx server, but unfortunately, I don't get it working. I have read various post here but I cannot get the server work. I think it has something to do ...
Dominique's user avatar
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Cannot establish Websocket on AWS

I have a webserver running on an EC2 instance behind an AWS load balancer under a custom domain for using https. Curl requests to the webserver work as expected, including over https. But ...
Dennis Hackethal's user avatar
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TLS websocket proxy with deep packet inspection/traffic logging

I have a very specific scenario in which maschines (IoT) are communicating with a central server over websockets. I need to inspect the websockets traffic (wss/tls) for audit and monitoring reasons (...
Kitano's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

NGINX Proxy pass to WebSocket and PHP not working with SSL

I'm trying to route requests in Nginx in the following way: Requests made to / should go to a PHP script (proxy.php, which itself is a proxy) Requests made to /websocket should be proxied to http://...
Rico Leuthold's user avatar
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1 answer

Redirect websocket and json in SSL with NGINX

I'm getting crazy to solve a problem with the neginx configuration of a live blogging platform. In http it works, and here is the configuration: /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf server { listen ...
Roberto Pezzali's user avatar
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WebSockets + Apache and Nginx in “reverse proxy mode” + SSL/secure

As I had tried to connect PHP WebSocket from through HTTP, since it was successful and again after loading certificates and making HTTPS it didn't work. As my hosting server's nginx is ...
Nɪsʜᴀɴᴛʜ ॐ's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

wss not working in https but ws works in http apache2 ubuntu

My websocket setup works in http. But if I enable ssl(lets encrypt) and change the ws:// to wss://, browser throws this error. WebSocket connection to 'wss://xx.yy.xx.yy:5001/' failed: Error in ...
krkart's user avatar
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Websocket Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED 'wss://'

First I asked this question in stackoverflow, but it looks like a server issue more than coding problem. I am developing a project with Java EE and I have access to the server computer under a ...
tonder's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Secure Web Socket connection on ejabberd

I am running ejabberd 17.12. It works fine. With this config, I manage to open non-secure web socket connections to it from my browser using both the JS console and a XMPP client : port: 5280 ip: ...
Alexandre Bourlier's user avatar
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Why can Apache proxypass this when nginx can't?

I have an SSL host on my apache server with the following in the VirtualHost: <VirtualHost> ServerName ServerAdmin [email protected] DocumentRoot /...
KatDevsGames's user avatar
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1 answer

In Apache how do I configure a sub-url redirection to

I got a simple node.js websocket server: var io = require('')(12345); io.on('connection', function(socket){ console.log('a user connected'); socket.on('disconnect', function(){ ...
Nelson Teixeira's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxies with separate SSL termination and websockets

I'm trying to chain proxies. The first one for SSL, next one - for dispatching to the servers. The first one (secure-gateway-nginx) just unwraps SSL and passes to the gateway-nginx: server { ...
Velkan's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

WSS Load Balancing with SSL Termination at layer 4

Should it be possible to terminate SSL for wss (secure websockets) at a layer 4 load balancer? Seems to me that wss (and ws) in general would require TCP routing since an HTTP reverse proxy wouldn't ...
rbinion's user avatar
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elb ssl termination for wss websocket fails net::ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_TRUNCATED

I am trying to get a websocket communication working through a classic ELB with ssl termination to wowza, a java based media server. Setup VPC R53 IPv4, Alias=Yes, Target myElb, ...
art vanderlay's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Apache mod_proxy: forward secure websocket to non-secure

The websocket library I rely on (PHP-Websockets) does not yet support secure sockets (wss). My website is served over https though, so I cannot use insecure ws connections. I'm trying to use Apache's ...
BeetleJuice's user avatar
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1 answer

Cannot connect to server via wss

I have the below nginx.conf file set to handle http and https. I'm currently using a self-signed certificate to test over ssl. server { listen 80; listen 443 ssl; server_name ...
Jayaram's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

HA Proxy and Websockets

I'm setting up my first HAProxy reverse proxy server. It's going to be a proxy for an HTML5 app running on tomcat from a different server. I was able to get it to proxy out via HTTP, redirect all ...
JoeInVT's user avatar
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