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Questions tagged [websocket]

WebSocket is an API built on top of TCP sockets and a protocol for bi-directional, full-duplex communication between client and server without the overhead of http.

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Heroku and out of memory

I have a setup with websockets on heroku and every now and then i get a flurry of messages like this: 06:24.591694+00:00 heroku router - - at=error code=H15 desc="Idle connection" method=GET path="/...
Henric Malmberg's user avatar
4 votes
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Is websocket reverse proxy possible with IIS 8.5 & URL rewrite 2.0?

I installed Tomcat as a java app server behind IIS. Using the following rules I can rewrite static pages just fine, but alas, websocket connections are never established: <?xml version="1.0" ...
Mirco's user avatar
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NGINX Websocket initial communication delay

I've created a Django server that is making use of django-channels for websocket communication. When I run the server with NGINX there is an initial delay in websocket communication between the server ...
MCBama's user avatar
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Confluence (Synchrony) using websockets behind IIS8 can't copy or insert large blocks of text

I've got a Confluence 6.1.0 setup running behind an IIS8 reverse proxy doing SSL. Everything works except for one small problem. When I try to copy a three or four paragraphs of text, attempt to ...
meeper's user avatar
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2 answers

nginx as proxy for WebSocket: inspect and block certain requests

I ran NodeJS as a kind of Webapplication Server serving an AngularJS frontend. They communicate solely over WebSockets, using the SailsJS implementation of Socket.IO. Between frontend (client) and the ...
cis's user avatar
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WSS Load Balancing with SSL Termination at layer 4

Should it be possible to terminate SSL for wss (secure websockets) at a layer 4 load balancer? Seems to me that wss (and ws) in general would require TCP routing since an HTTP reverse proxy wouldn't ...
rbinion's user avatar
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nginx proxy_pass two ports into subfolders

So I had my last "reverse proxy" problem fixed regarding "mapping" a port to a subfolder Thanks again to this awesome community. I have been able to work with this solution for a while but now I am ...
pAt84's user avatar
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How do I configure IIS so that websocket conenctions are handled by an external program?

I can't really get my head around how websockets are configured and expected to work on the server. In my case I have a machine (Windows 10) running IIS. On that machine I want to place my own ...
Magnus's user avatar
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How to fix ws and memory leak?

I have read that there is a memory leak occurring in both node.js websocket modules ws and It has existed for years and am wondering how to fix it. It is mentioned in the following, to name ...
Normajean's user avatar
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Tomcat servlet will not complete websocket connection

I am moving a set working servlets from one server to another Old server, Centos6, Apache 2.2, Tomcat 9 New Server, Centos7, Apache 2.4, Tomcat 9 I have about 5 servlets running from the old server ...
ScottD's user avatar
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(105: No buffer space available) while connecting to upstream,

The server is returning 500 error. And in the logs I see many records like (105: No buffer space available) while connecting to upstream Tried to restart server : didn't help. Increased the number ...
Alexander P's user avatar
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Any reasons against a very high value in proxy_send_timeout for websockets?

I use nginx as an ingress controller in Kubernetes. I have a websocket connection between 2 applications which you should stay open indefinitely. There is a reconnect mechanism but that should be ...
wrdls's user avatar
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Error 200 during WebSocket handshake: Aws load balancer + ec2 websocket

I'm using load balancer in front of an aws ec2 instance(I will have more in future). In this ec2, I have a website being served by nginx on port 80, a nodejs app listening on 8080 and the websocket on ...
Sandro Benevides's user avatar
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websocket cannot connect via apache reverse proxy

I am using the terminado and i am running the inside the demo folder on port 9090 from inside a docker container with a ip of So i have set up a reverse proxy using apache2: <...
Satnam Sandhu's user avatar
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Websocket Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED 'wss://'

First I asked this question in stackoverflow, but it looks like a server issue more than coding problem. I am developing a project with Java EE and I have access to the server computer under a ...
tonder's user avatar
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Windows server 2016 does not accept incoming WebSocket connections

I have started a websocket server with nodejs on my windows server 2016. The nodejs application started listening on port 1337 and I can initiate websocket connection to my localhost:1337 from browser ...
Meghdad Hadidi's user avatar
2 votes
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Secure Web Socket connection on ejabberd

I am running ejabberd 17.12. It works fine. With this config, I manage to open non-secure web socket connections to it from my browser using both the JS console and a XMPP client : port: 5280 ip: ...
Alexandre Bourlier's user avatar
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WebSocket In SYN_SENT State

Redirected from NE, I have a problem in establishing a connection with using websocket. netstat console output FYI, the target that we wish to connect to is which is an instance ...
vincent911001's user avatar
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proxy_pass to websocket behind nginx

I got websocket servers and there are behind nginx. I need to configure second nginx as proxy to this first nginx. But when I make a request, there is an error 400 or 404 (with different configs). ...
Grzonu's user avatar
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When does the Nginx error happen, recv() failed (110: Connection timed out) while proxying upgraded connection

I am using Nginx 1.10.1 for my APP to balance connections on Websocket. For example, the App A(multi-process) establish Websocket connections to B1, B2 through Nginx so that the connections could be ...
asleea's user avatar
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Can not using websocket with nginx

I am using Activemq as broker, client side is Paho js to send websocket request(ws protocol). Everything work fine on server, but when the server start to set nginx as proxy, the client can not ...
Rong Nguyen's user avatar
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Sticky sessions with Apache load balancer for 1.0

I've been messing around with Apache as a load balancer for my server. I went through the following topic and now everything seems to be fine. Configuring Apache 2.4 mod_proxy_wstunnel for ...
Peyman's user avatar
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Is it possible in Apache MPM-Event to force it to stop connections after a timeout when a process is shutting down and the scoreboard is full?

We are using WebSockets that hold connections for a long time, possibly weeks. Apache 2.4.41 w/MPMEvent sometimes decides to stop a process (such as 1: when load drops, 2: when user reloads ...
arberg's user avatar
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nginx logging (111: connection refused) when connecting to a websocket

So I have a small Raspberry Pi on my local network that I use to host a server. It is a fairly simple setup, with nginx and my npm-hosted server stood up in containers using docker-compose. my npm ...
Flotolk's user avatar
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PHP Websocket in a SSL-enabled website served by apache

I have the following WebSocket code in PHP, which works well when connecting to it by using plain-text ws:// but when I try to connect to it from a front-end Javascript in my SSL-enabled website I get ...
CDoc's user avatar
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Websocket from one HAProxy backend to another backend fails

I have two backends (b1, b2) sitting behind the same frontend (f1) in HAProxy, routing based on host name. I can establish websocket to both b1 and b2 from my laptop, however if I try to establish ...
Ryan's user avatar
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RabbitMQ Stomp one central Node or domain based?

We have a server with about 400 instances of an application, each of these instances has its own domain. We want to set up a RabbitMQ(other server) , also Stomp(websockets) for the Frontend and amqp ...
demonking's user avatar
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Jitsi Meet in Docker Container: Websocket error

(I asked this question on StackOverflow yesterday, but I didn't receive an answer yet, and maybe Serverfault is a better platform for this question. Also I can't post pictures here, but I hope the ...
anonymus1994.1's user avatar
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Can Apache-2.4 hand off a client connection to a PHP script that speaks WebSocket to the client?

I have an Apache-2.4 web server. It will execute PHP scripts if a client requests, and the output of the script shows up in the browser window. (Or it can be ...
Dave M.'s user avatar
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Channels current state is disconnected(laravel-websocket on ubuntu Host server)

I am working on Laravel-websocket package i got stucked on this error from quite long time. i have configure basic laravel procject along with laravel websocket package on my local ubuntu as well as ...
Gopi's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy to websocket in same context as http

I have an Apache/2.4.6 installation working as a reverse proxy for some applications. Now I have to configure another one. HTTP proxying is working great, but in some sections of the webpage, the ...
Mike B's user avatar
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771 views proxy through Apache and its performance

I am trying to setup a server for a Socket.IO game, but we will also have a little landing page in php served through Apache. I managed to make the server work by doing a proxy from Apache to the ...
Friendly Zeppelin's user avatar
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TLS websocket proxy with deep packet inspection/traffic logging

I have a very specific scenario in which maschines (IoT) are communicating with a central server over websockets. I need to inspect the websockets traffic (wss/tls) for audit and monitoring reasons (...
Kitano's user avatar
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WebSockets + Apache and Nginx in “reverse proxy mode” + SSL/secure

As I had tried to connect PHP WebSocket from through HTTP, since it was successful and again after loading certificates and making HTTPS it didn't work. As my hosting server's nginx is ...
Nɪsʜᴀɴᴛʜ ॐ's user avatar
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HTML5/WebSocket Issues Windows Server 2011/2012/2016

We are having a strange issue with running a customer application but only on Windows Server machine, I did highly contemplate posting this to StackOverflow but as I suspect this to be a server ...
Freddy Wetson's user avatar
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Using Apache to relay wss (web-socket) protocol to backend

I'm using Apache 2.4.27. I need to tunnel a client's wss request through an Apache reverse-proxy, to a backend server. However, from a tcpdump, it appears the wss request is being rejected by the ...
Matt Muggeridge's user avatar
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Amazon AWS WebSocket Load Balancing Scale-In

We are in the process of developing a WebSocket application that will run on the same application servers that serve our APIs, which are all within a target group of a new Amazon Application Load ...
Sivart's user avatar
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Azure App Service Deployment not closing Node.js WebSockets connection

Background I'm having trouble with an Azure App Service Deployment. I'm using VSTS to do the deployment using the Azure App service Deploy feature. I'm deploying a Docker container to a Linux App ...
Sawtaytoes's user avatar
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"WS" HTTP Headers

I am working with a website running on IIS8.5 and I am seeing a set of requests with what I will call "WS" request headers showing up in the serverVariables collection as follows: HTTP_WSHOST ...
GWR's user avatar
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Websocket and CDN

I have an application which replies on both http and websocket: it is hosted outside the company server farm. This application is used both via browser/websocket and, through http, from applications ...
Carlo Bertuccini's user avatar
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Why can Apache proxypass this when nginx can't?

I have an SSL host on my apache server with the following in the VirtualHost: <VirtualHost> ServerName ServerAdmin [email protected] DocumentRoot /...
KatDevsGames's user avatar
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Issue deploying Flask Rest Api on Nginx

I'm trying to deploy my flask api rest on nginx (on a subdomain) without success. I've followed this example from Digital Ocean and everything was working properly but then I changed the tutorial ...
NeoSennin's user avatar
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No protocol handler was valid for the URL /url. If you are using a DSO version of mod_proxy

Trying to set up a load balancer using Apache 2.4.x on Windows. Error: No protocol handler was valid for the URL /path/. If you are using a DSO version of mod_proxy, make sure the proxy submodules ...
Himani Singla's user avatar
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WebSockets with TeamCity behind Amazon ELB

I'm setting up TeamCity behind a public ELB in Amazon. I am attempting to fix the WebSocket connection issue: Some users cannot use optimized web UI updates via WebSocket protocol. This is a ...
Thomas Farvour's user avatar
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nginx SSL termination with sticky load balancing

I want to use Nginx with a app with TLS/SSL termination at the load balancer. Is it possible to use the ip_hash directive to do sticky loadbalancing in combination with TLS/SSL termination? ...
Leo's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy sometimes takes over all requests

I am using my apache as a reverse proxy for a few requests to a webserver running on an internal port to allow access via my regular virtual host. This is on an ubuntu 15 running in vagrant. Here's ...
Christof's user avatar
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Configure a websocket server in front of HAProxy

I have a small python server script which creates a websocket connection and accepts base64 encoded IP packets (very similar to this). As of now my script decodes the IP packet and sends it out into ...
Dan Ramos's user avatar
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How should I set up my sub-domain to allow it listen on a port for web socket transfer?

This may be a really beginner question, but I really want to make sure I'm going in the right direction before investing time in this. Heres what I have. @ fileserver....
lzc's user avatar
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Websockets behind Apache and Nginx proxy connection not upgraded

I have a problem. Apache listens on a white ip and proxies all requests /ssd on nginx that proxies requests /city-dashboard to another server with websockets. In apache config: ProxyPass /ssd/ http://...
reddaemon's user avatar
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Scaling AngularJS + NodeJS app on Linode

I have developed an application using AngularJS + NodeJS (together with MariaDB, Redis and for realtime notifications) and I have deployed it on a single Linode node. Now I would like to ...
Giorgio's user avatar
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