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Questions tagged [websocket]

WebSocket is an API built on top of TCP sockets and a protocol for bi-directional, full-duplex communication between client and server without the overhead of http.

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Javascript stuck into function loop

I'm trying to get rid of this loop and cannot find the issue. I'm using websocket for sending some message , I'm using switch/case statement for calling some functions, Here the code. var ...
Wanexa's user avatar
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How to scale websocket listeners?

I'm asking about the case when your service is listening for some streams with non-stationary message intensity. Such situations are arising naturally if you for example listening for stock exchange ...
37buEr's user avatar
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Websocket with on K8S, how to make it work?

I hope you are well I'm having a problem when trying to open communication between my applications within Kubernetes. Currently client-server communicate through, but when adding it to ...
0 votes
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How can I make reverse proxy for websocket requests on apache

I have a website written on Laravel with Reverb for websockets. Everything works except websockets. They are sent from the browser to the server in the form wss:// (which throw an ...
Jivko Jelev's user avatar
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recv() failed (104: Unknown error) while proxying upgraded connection in nginx

We have a printing application running behind an nginx, and since moving to a new proxy server with a newer nginx, customers are intermittently reporting System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketException (...
Rickard Olsson's user avatar
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How to override query parameter of original websocket request after extenal authentication?

I use nginx external authentication and have a problem when a request is a websocket request. As a webscoket request hasn't headers it passes jwt token in query string parameter access_token. Nginx ...
Infoman's user avatar
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What part does AWS Global Accelerator play in established TCP connections

Reading the docs I can see that Global Accelerator (GA) routes to nearest region and has failover protection that will cause it to route to a different region if one fails. I can't find any info that ...
Ash's user avatar
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Websocket server - working for local connections but not remote?

I am running an embedded Jetty server on Ubuntu (22.04.3), listening to port 8734 (arbitrary number), and testing it with wscat. The following command connects fine if run on the same machine: wscat -...
Daniel Winterstein's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway for Containers Throws 403 On Websocket Connection

We have a new Kubernetes stack on Azure, with ingresses set up and an Application Gateway for Containers, normal HTTP/HTTPS traffic seems to flow perfectly fine, but our websockets over WSS are all ...
StrangeWill's user avatar
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How to configure an Apache reverse proxy for GitLab with websocket?

I have a self-hosted GitLab instance behind an Apache reverse proxy. Since one of the last releases, real-time updates stopped working. One symptom I could detect was that some websocket calls (to ...
quazgar's user avatar
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Nginx - SignalR Web socket Connection Error: Error: WebSocket failed to connect. 500 internal server error

UI: const connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder()' .withUrl("", { skipNegotiation: true, transport: signalR.HttpTransportType....
Anitha Sivakumar's user avatar
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Nginx SSL handshake issue

Experiencing WebSocket issues for a SignalR chat in the UI while running in production, but in locally it's working. We are using C# in the backend and React in the UI. I have checked the server log. ...
Anitha Sivakumar's user avatar
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Flask-SocketIO Performance Bottleneck - QueuePool Overflow After Upgrade

I'll try to keep this brief, but I have a lot of code examples to show. Please let me know if you need more context! We recently updated our flask server to handle web socket connections using flask ...
maximosis's user avatar
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How to successfull configure nginx for laravel reverb websocket?

Triying to setup ssl for laravel reverb using nginx on ubuntu Laravel reverb docs /etc/supervisor/conf.d/websockets.conf [program:websockets-l11] command=/usr/bin/php /var/www/l11/artisan reverb:start ...
Jhordy Said Barrera's user avatar
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What are cons of websockets? [closed]

I mean why at first place polling and server events exist if websocket can not only solve the problems they are solving but also allow additional functionalities (like bidirectional nature). I guess ...
SUNITA GUPTA's user avatar
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Is it possible in Apache MPM-Event to force it to stop connections after a timeout when a process is shutting down and the scoreboard is full?

We are using WebSockets that hold connections for a long time, possibly weeks. Apache 2.4.41 w/MPMEvent sometimes decides to stop a process (such as 1: when load drops, 2: when user reloads ...
arberg's user avatar
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Bypass DNS rebinding for localhost

I am encountering more and more issues with an app I created that binds to on an obscure port. I have a domain name - due to needing an SSL cert - that resolves to I have this ...
Dan's user avatar
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How to configure Apahce with websocket through python daphne DJango on EC2 server

Below is my virtual host for running python <VirtualHost *:8000> DocumentRoot /var/www/VITSBACKEND ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log ...
Shubham Gupta's user avatar
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websockets apache2 not working

I'm busy with implementing websockets on our reverse proxy (apache2) we redirect our traffic to tomcat with a proxypass but it's not working we get an 403 (forbidden in our logs) apache vhost file: &...
Sander Böhm's user avatar
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Troubleshooting Apache ProxyPass Error 500 for WebSockets in VHost Config

I'm encountering an issue with my Apache VHost configuration, and I could use some help to understand and resolve it. Here are the details: I have a Linux server with the following specifications: ...
takraw's user avatar
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How to configure Apache 2.4 to use ProxyPass to rewrite the websocket's port?

My Nodejs WS ( pure Websocket, I am not using ) works on port 5000 and I wish to proxy pass to the domain itself. I have tried to add the following lines but I still failed to get myself ...
Hypothesis's user avatar
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HTTPs connection works, but WebSocket fails on the same server/port

I'm the dev of mobile app game for Android. The app is using both HTTPs and WebSocket connection to the same server. The app is live and works well for most users. I have one user who said the app is ...
Mike Keskinov's user avatar
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Does reverse proxying the WebSockets servers make sense from scaling perspective?

I have reverse proxy and multiple WebSocket servers behind it. I'm confused whether it makes any sense from scaling perspective, because I see it like that: The WebSocket server A has 30,000 active ...
Szyszka947's user avatar
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Forward local generated Secure Websocket traffic (wss) through an HTTP/HTTPS proxy to reach internet

I have a python webex_bot application ( which uses websockets for webex cloud communication. The problem is that the server in which the bot is being hosted on, ...
panchis's user avatar
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nginx logging (111: connection refused) when connecting to a websocket

So I have a small Raspberry Pi on my local network that I use to host a server. It is a fairly simple setup, with nginx and my npm-hosted server stood up in containers using docker-compose. my npm ...
Flotolk's user avatar
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Access errors passing traffic from nginx to daphne server

I've got a GKE private k8s cluster with nginx and a django application running with wsgi and asgi. Logs from nginx show that websocket requests get a 403, and the logs on the daphne pod are showing &...
markwalker_'s user avatar
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Can't connect to WebSocket server over wss:// (ws:// works), and no debug information

I have a website on, and a WebSocket server on Each have an SSL certificate so that I can access them from https:// I am using the websocket server as a ...
pileup's user avatar
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Different port forwarding for https and wss (Websocket) using firewalld

Currently I setup port forwarding for a nodejs server such that all http requests (using tcp protocol) get redirected from port 80 to 3000, and all https requests (using tcp) get redirected from port ...
VIVEK's user avatar
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How to configure streamlit to serve an app to www?

streamlit app is running in a centOS stream 8 virtual machine. Access from intranet is fine but fails with "streamlit please wait.. page" when accessed from www via subDomain.companyDomain....
384X21's user avatar
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work with AWS ELB to keep websocket connections during server restarting?

So we have a server application which communicates with clients through websocket and we need to regularly upgrade our server app binary. We may have multiple server instances, I know that I can ...
cifer's user avatar
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Nginx upstream wss proxy SSL_read() failed (SSL: error:0A000126:SSL routines::unexpected eof while reading)

What I need is Client <--wss---> nginx <--wss--> server I am doing a wss proxy, I have already got it working on Apache but I want to switch to nginx now here's the apache config: <...
Steve Moretz's user avatar
2 votes
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HTTP and websocket on the same port and domain behind reverse proxy

I wanted to try Node-Red and have installed it on my Ubuntu server. This server runs an apache reverse proxy but I can't get it to work right. If I create a virtualhost for the HTTP connection I can ...
screendoor's user avatar
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How do I setup a SSL certificate for an express.js server behind a load balancer?

I'm restructuring my server structure by splitting them up instead of running everything from one server. I looked here but that just specifies what I were already doing in the original setup with ...
ii iml0sto1's user avatar
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After establishing WebSocket tunnel, does NGINX continue to 'be in the loop'?

I have a WebSocket server-side application fronted by an Nginx reverse proxy and all is working great. The WS app runs in a container as does Nginx, and both then work together as a service. Now I'm ...
mmuurr's user avatar
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haproxy between http-only client and websockets only backend

odd request maybe, but I have a need to proxy between a HTTP-only client and a WebSocket-only server. these are not long-lived connections; the client does a POST with some binary data that needs to ...
Marvin's user avatar
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How do I get SignalR server deployed on AWS EKS behind nginx to allow websocket protocol connections?

I have a .NET 6 Web API with SignalR. Everything works perfectly when connecting directly to the API - locally as well as via Endpoint IP:Port on AWS EKS. However, it's failing to connect specifically ...
Akshay Rajpaul's user avatar
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SIP Websocket to UDP proxy server

There is an ATS provider with SIP phones. It provides phones via UDP, as I understand, giving sip server, login and password for each internal call-line. I want to write a site with browser calls ...
Ngdgvcb's user avatar
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Does apache ProxyPass handle tls for websocket too?

I'm new to proxypass, Let's say this is our config: <IfModule mod_ssl.c> <VirtualHost *:443> # The ServerName directive sets the request scheme, hostname and port that # ...
Steve Moretz's user avatar
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Nginx: Websocket on port 80 is not working

I have a simple NodeJs Websocket application running, the code for it is // Importing the required modules const WebSocketServer = require('ws'); // Creating a new websocket server const wss = new ...
Bidyut's user avatar
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How do I configure IIS so that websocket conenctions are handled by an external program?

I can't really get my head around how websockets are configured and expected to work on the server. In my case I have a machine (Windows 10) running IIS. On that machine I want to place my own ...
Magnus's user avatar
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How do I configure reverse proxy for WSS support on a different port?

I'm using the vaultwarden docker container, which basically requires a reverse proxy to provide SSL. The container runs a separate web server for Websockets, because Rust's rocket doesn't support web ...
John's user avatar
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kubernetes pod with a socket connection not firing 'close' event

I have a Kubernetes deployment where a pod connects to a client via TCP Socket. On connect and disconnect different events happen. In the dev environment the server can respond to connections, data, ...
Kasey Chakos's user avatar
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Loadbalancing websockets with nginx behind haproxy

I have an Nginx instance which serves requests proxied to it from an haproxy. This instance should balance load between several websocket server. To get better performance the load balancing should be ...
mhk's user avatar
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What happens to existing HTTP and Websocket connections when the NGINX configuration reloads?

Let’s say we have a pretty standard blue/green deployment setup. NGINX is currently proxying all traffic to the live server (BLUE). We then deploy an updated version of our code to the idle server (...
rationaltiger24's user avatar
4 votes
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NGINX double proxy not allowing websocket connections

I have two nginx proxies setup on my machine, one to unwrapp SSL and the other to do application-specific proxying (only the second one is version controlled). When I only had one proxy I was able to ...
Simon Richard's user avatar
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Can't establish wss connection [React + ASP.NET Core, SignalR + nginx]

I have React app that talks to Asp.Net core API. Both of them are deployed on Docker on my VM. Nginx is installed and configured to resolve domain names for app ( - for react app, api.thesis....
urmat abdykerimov's user avatar
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How to set websocket reverse proxy with both proxy_set_header and SSL allowed?

I get a project where the outer websocket reverse-proxy is implemented by nginx stream. However, steam only means "TCP" and it lost http features like writing the IP's alone the route. Here ...
George Y's user avatar
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How to use smart websocket client from Windows to connect to a running websocket server on virtualbox?

Here is my setup: Windows 8.1 with Ubuntu 18.04 within VirtuablBox 6.0 Run a websocket server at within VirtuablBox Within the VirtuablBox, I can connect to the websocket server with ...
q0987's user avatar
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PHP Websocket in a SSL-enabled website served by apache

I have the following WebSocket code in PHP, which works well when connecting to it by using plain-text ws:// but when I try to connect to it from a front-end Javascript in my SSL-enabled website I get ...
CDoc's user avatar
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Websocket from one HAProxy backend to another backend fails

I have two backends (b1, b2) sitting behind the same frontend (f1) in HAProxy, routing based on host name. I can establish websocket to both b1 and b2 from my laptop, however if I try to establish ...
Ryan's user avatar
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