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Questions tagged [websocket]

WebSocket is an API built on top of TCP sockets and a protocol for bi-directional, full-duplex communication between client and server without the overhead of http.

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"Bad Request" when sending request to Socket.IO app via Apache

What I have I have Socket.IO app letteraly from template const express = require('express'); const app = express(); const http = require('http'); const server = http.createServer(app); const { Server }...
RoyalGoose's user avatar
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Secure websocket connection to server running on EC2 fails

I have a node.js websocket server running on an EC2 instance on port 8080. Normal websocket connections (ws://) work fine but when I'm trying to make a secure connection (wss://), the websocket ...
Debabrata Mondal's user avatar
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Replicate nginx reverse proxy config using apache

nginx config: server { listen 443 ssl http2; listen [::]:443 ssl http2; ssl_certificate /path/to/tls/tls.crt; ssl_certificate_key /path/to/tls/tls.key; server_name the.domain....
TREX's user avatar
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What are the scalability concerns with pub/sub servers?

I'm looking into setting up a pub/sub service with websockets. From what I can tell the scalability bottlenecks will mainly be with memory, which affects how many sockets can be opened at a time, so ...
JBaczuk's user avatar
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WebSocket connection to 'wss://[host]/' failed

Environment First of all, I'm using AWS ALB, EC2 with Route 53. ALB is opened for HTTP, HTTPS and EC2 is also opened for All TCP. And I'm using ws library to use websocket. As an HTTPS server In the ...
n8o's user avatar
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how to set up websocket server along with two laravel backend and a spa

i have two laravel backend setup on different routes. and there is a spa on root. now i want to set a websocket server along with it. here is my website.conf ############## block-4 : multiple ...
rajeshtva's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to fix ws and memory leak?

I have read that there is a memory leak occurring in both node.js websocket modules ws and It has existed for years and am wondering how to fix it. It is mentioned in the following, to name ...
Normajean's user avatar
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Clients who block all outgoing udp connections having problems connecting to turnserver

We recently had a problem with our turnserver (coturn), some clients who use firewalls to block all outgoing udp connections have problems connecting to it, as far as i know, when udp connection doesn'...
logax's user avatar
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Apache WebSockets "400 proxy error"

We're trying to present the WebSocket-enabled interface from a remote device on our website. I've configured the WebSocket tunnel in Apache, but I'm getting a "400 Proxy Error" in Firefox (...
Roger Dueck's user avatar
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How to open a socket on EC2 instance?

I want to send webcam video from my laptop to aws EC2 instance. I'm trying to follow suggestions from here and code from here. The issue I'm facing is that I do not know how to open a socket and ...
mirzaD14's user avatar
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RabbitMQ Stomp one central Node or domain based?

We have a server with about 400 instances of an application, each of these instances has its own domain. We want to set up a RabbitMQ(other server) , also Stomp(websockets) for the Frontend and amqp ...
demonking's user avatar
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Websocket connection delay from Mobile App to Ubuntu 16

I've customers with Android mobiles with my app which forwards selective SMS to a Nodejs based Websocket server on Ubuntu 16. I've two set of customers and another similar Ubuntu 14 with similar app ...
user5858's user avatar
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How to limit the total volumn from a TCP connection

I have a particular application with one type of connection that mostly sends packets to clients while receives nothing but login request. (i.e. video streaming) Therefore I want to limit the Total ...
George Y's user avatar
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WSS Connectivity issue on production

I am using Angular8 as frontend and Nodejs as backend I have Configured WSS on production ,but connection with client not working properly, In one page connection is working but in another page ...
Satish Umagol's user avatar
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SSL Error: How to use Nginx with Node.js App using Angular and websocket

I am running into an SSL error when setting up Nginx as a reverse proxy for a Node.js app. This app uses Angular to serve dynamic content and for WebSocket, we use ws. WS working properly but when ...
user23316's user avatar
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Jitsi Meet in Docker Container: Websocket error

(I asked this question on StackOverflow yesterday, but I didn't receive an answer yet, and maybe Serverfault is a better platform for this question. Also I can't post pictures here, but I hope the ...
anonymus1994.1's user avatar
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How to create a websocket backend?

I'm getting clueless on this topic. I have a working websocket connection using Mosquitto on server_1 . The webapp that needs to publish the websocket data is in server_2 and is accessed behind a ...
glass's user avatar
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WebSocket connection to 'wss:// failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404 on channels

I face this error while using channels for WebSockets on django production: WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected ...
MeHDI RH's user avatar
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Laravel websockets package connection refused? [duplicate]

I using laravel websocket package aspusher replacement. First this ubuntu was not allowing to access the port 6001 then I add Inboud securoty group rule on aws . Now it is allowing to access the port ...
Bilal Arshad's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy + URL rewrite + websockets

I saw this Question, but it doesn't seem to work for me. Current (working) situation is: server { listen 443 ssl; server_name; ssl_certificate fullchain.pem; ...
ZioByte's user avatar
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Can Nginx limit incoming websocket message size?

In the JS WebSocket library, you can limit the maximum allowed incoming message size via the maxPayload option. I'd like to impose this limit in my Nginx reverse proxy layer, before it gets to my ...
rynop's user avatar
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Can Apache-2.4 hand off a client connection to a PHP script that speaks WebSocket to the client?

I have an Apache-2.4 web server. It will execute PHP scripts if a client requests, and the output of the script shows up in the browser window. (Or it can be ...
Dave M.'s user avatar
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Nginx socket reverse proxy got 503 responses on concurrent requests

I am using Nginx as a reverse proxy for my PHP base WebSocket application and I try to load test the WebSocket server with Nginx reverse proxy. And I got 503 errors when concurrent users reach around ...
Set Kyar Wa Lar's user avatar
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ActiveMQ Artemis: Propagate credentials from Websocket to STOMP

Can ActiveMQ Artemis propagate basic authentication information (username, password) from a Websocket to the encapsulated STOMP protocol (STOMP-over-Websockets)? The documentation does not really help ...
Stephan's user avatar
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Apache Reverse Proxy and ShinyProxy

I wrote a shiny web application and deploy it on a server using ShinyProxy. Accessing the app directly via the IP address and port 8080 works fine. However, I need to connect it to a URL. On the ...
user's user avatar
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605 views core Blazor app with google authentication getting lots of websocket errors

We have a simple core 3.1 Blazor server-side app which we are trying to run on google app engine but are getting lots of websocket errors during initial connection: WebSocket connection to '...
Michael Timmins's user avatar
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Nginx Config for ws://<ip>:<port>

I have a domain i call it <domain> and ip call <ip> and port <my-local-port>, i wan't using nginx on my server (dns binded to my server success), my problem is that reverse proxy ws:/...
Morteza j8's user avatar
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NGINX deny all except websockets for Flask app

I have an Ubuntu server running Flask app under nginx, this is my conf: upstream flaskapp { server fail_timeout=0; } server { listen 80; server_name _; location / { ...
Igniter's user avatar
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5 votes
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Nginx proxy websocket: is it required to close the connection to backend after upgrading to a websocket?

Base on what I could read on nginx site The exemple they give will close all connections to backend. This isn't really what we want on a proxy setup, ...
Antony Gibbs's user avatar
2 votes
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Tomcat servlet will not complete websocket connection

I am moving a set working servlets from one server to another Old server, Centos6, Apache 2.2, Tomcat 9 New Server, Centos7, Apache 2.4, Tomcat 9 I have about 5 servlets running from the old server ...
ScottD's user avatar
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How can do Load Test against WebSocket?

We will have to do a load test for the first time. To tell the truth, I don't know exactly what to look for and how to do it. I have also researched resources on this subject but I could not obtain ...
eddiethedean's user avatar
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Channels current state is disconnected(laravel-websocket on ubuntu Host server)

I am working on Laravel-websocket package i got stucked on this error from quite long time. i have configure basic laravel procject along with laravel websocket package on my local ubuntu as well as ...
Gopi's user avatar
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Configure Apache Web Server (shared hosting) to provide simultaneous Web and Websocket Access

I'm trying since some days to find a way to configure simultaneous websocket and web server connections with one same Apache Web Server I have on a shared hosting basis. Now, before giving that up and ...
DevelJoe's user avatar
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Configure NGINX Reverse Proxy in front of Apache Web Server (to enable websockets)

Upon recommendation of a member of the stackoverflow forum, I hereby ask the following question in this forum, where it apparently fits better (I'm new to this forum). What exactly I want: A ...
DevelJoe's user avatar
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How to solve Nginx WebSocket secure (wss) "error 426 Upgrade Required"?

I tried to configure a Websocket proxy on my Nginx server, but unfortunately, I don't get it working. I have read various post here but I cannot get the server work. I think it has something to do ...
Dominique's user avatar
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NGINX Proxy_Pass to websocket server on a Plesk Server

I am trying to get a websocket client connected to my server with a ssl connection. I want to reach it with (subdomains would also be an option) and the websocket server is ...
Constantin's user avatar
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Why AWS classic ELB with HTTP protocol doesn't work with websockets? [closed]

I know that there is an ALB and NLB option that works with websockets. I can't understand why classic ELB with HTTP protocol doesn't work with websocket connections, although at the instance there is ...
ogbofjnr's user avatar
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Error 404 when connecting to websocket behind nginx proxy_pass

I would like to serve up a websocket behind a location on my webserver. For example, if my domain is http://mydomain I would like my websocket to be available at ws://mydomain/ws. I am running a ...
Justin Gilman's user avatar
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How to connect to 4 websockets, 1 of them through my own proxy?

I have an EC2 instance. I need to receive data from 4 separate websockets located in different regions around the world. Three of the websockets are working fine, but one of the websockets is being ...
JacksonCounty's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy to websocket in same context as http

I have an Apache/2.4.6 installation working as a reverse proxy for some applications. Now I have to configure another one. HTTP proxying is working great, but in some sections of the webpage, the ...
Mike B's user avatar
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Ejabberd MUC room not sending unavailable presence for disconnected users

I'm running ejabberd 19.09.1 using the official Docker image, configured for anonymous authentication with mod_muc. Clients generally connect to the server in the browser, through a WebSocket endpoint....
Jonathan Moore's user avatar
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Cannot establish Websocket on AWS

I have a webserver running on an EC2 instance behind an AWS load balancer under a custom domain for using https. Curl requests to the webserver work as expected, including over https. But ...
Dennis Hackethal's user avatar
3 votes
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No protocol handler was valid for the URL / (scheme 'ws')

Trying to setup a websocket proxy using apache2, I get the following error: No protocol handler was valid for the URL / (scheme 'ws'). If you are using a DSO version of mod_proxy, make sure the proxy ...
Mohsen Saberi's user avatar
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Connecting to websocket on Google Cloud Run docker container

I'm rather a newbie to GCP so please forgive my ignorance. I'm trying to connect a few bits together, namely: A Node instance running on App Engine A ChatScript instance running on Cloud Run with a ...
Matt Fletcher's user avatar
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(105: No buffer space available) while connecting to upstream,

The server is returning 500 error. And in the logs I see many records like (105: No buffer space available) while connecting to upstream Tried to restart server : didn't help. Increased the number ...
Alexander P's user avatar
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TCPDUMP, tcp Flag not changing from Flags [S] to other flag values

I need support understanding these lines. when i tried to connect to server in a particular port it shows connecting and gives me timeout error. But in the tcp-dump command the packet flag not ...
VinothRaja's user avatar
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Any reasons against a very high value in proxy_send_timeout for websockets?

I use nginx as an ingress controller in Kubernetes. I have a websocket connection between 2 applications which you should stay open indefinitely. There is a reconnect mechanism but that should be ...
wrdls's user avatar
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Nginx: proxy_set_header "Upgrade" slows down the server

I have a site that I'd like to enhance with using WebSocket based features. The site is behind an Nginx reverse proxy. My config for the server looks like this: location / { ...
László Stahorszki's user avatar
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What is the fastest posible way to comunicate to a server on Amazon EC2?

I need to communicate via WebSockes and normal HTTP. I am trying to save some microseconds. I have already done: I got an instance at the same Amazon EC2 zone. The ping is 1 millisecond. I have ...
Pedro Serra's user avatar
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How to distribute servers globally?

We have a service that needs constant communication with Mongodb. We currently have a load balancer server, 16 containers in a server (due to nodejs being single threaded, we split processes ...
Ümit Yayla's user avatar