I've just created an Aurora Read Replica for my RDS database and it shows up as "Writer instance" in the list. That doesn't make much sense to me - any idea if I somehow need to configure it differently?

My use case is that I want a read-only replica so I don't want any writes to potentially reach the instance (or if they do, they should fail).

To be clear, the option I selected was this one:

And this is what I got:

1 Answer 1


To answer my own questions, when clicking on the "Replica cluster", there are two endpoints: one of them is the "Write instance" endpoint, and the other is a read-only endpoint (with "ro" in the name).

So the whole thing is poorly named I guess - you don't just create a "read replica", you create a cluster with a writer instance. And that also includes a read-only endpoint.

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