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Intermediate certificate not in keystore even though I added it

I was tasked to set up an ssl in a server, this server uses wildfly, so I have to make a keystore that contains all of the certificates that I got, the server certificate, the intermediate and the ...
logax's user avatar
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Linux file-handle (pipe) leak in WildFly 12+

I am trying to identify if behaviour that I am observing is correct or if WildFly is leaking file handle descriptors. During our standard performance testing after upgrading from WildFly 11 to 14 we ...
Gareth Wilson's user avatar
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Logging username in KeyCloak access-log

In KeyCLoak 15.0 (that is WildFly 23.0), I’m trying to configure access-log to also include username (or any ID of the user) when a user is logged in. In keycloak/standalone/configuration/standalone....
McLayn's user avatar
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WildFly sending private key instead of certificate

I'm trying to configure a WildFly server running in Docker to use SSL: created a private key: keytool -genkey -alias axcelpk -keyalg RSA -keystore server.keystore -keysize 2048 -validity 1825 created ...
Sylvain Girard's user avatar
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Wildfly Elytron container managed authentication with federated SAML2 IDP

I'm trying to set up container-managed authentication with Wildfly 24 and would like to use an existing (federated) Shibboleth IDP. I haven't found docs detailing that use case, so I opted for the ...
fuero's user avatar
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Start server service with wildfly

I need to start a service with certain IP using Wildfly Already follows tutorials Wildfly start fine with local IP which is also with But when I change into mine or other IP it ...
user578558's user avatar
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Wildfly: http to https redirect on the same port

Question How does one redirect a http-request to a https-request on the same port? Use case Someone opens mypage:1234 but omits the protocol. The user would expect to enter the page none the less. ...
Gerrit Sedlaczek's user avatar
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How do I send error logs through e-mail on Wildfly?

Bafflingly, there's no SMTP implementation out of the box. How is it not a basic feature? Tried adding a custom handler type MailHandler, but I get stuck setting the properties. It seems a good chunk ...
Yd Ahhrk's user avatar
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Wildfly : Too many open files

We recently got a "too many open files" error in our production Wildfly 17 on debian 9. A simple restart of the wildfly service got rid of the error but I'd like to avoid the problem to come ...
Ror's user avatar
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wildfly and logrotate: wildfly still logs messages to already rotated server.log

For wildfly (on linux) I need following logging scenario: daily rotation of server.log and removing old log files which are older than 90 days. I don't see a way to configure this in wildfly/log4j (...
Steffen's user avatar
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JBoss EAP 7, IO Subsystem workers configurations

I am asking here because I cannot find much information on this... What is the main use of the setting for "Io threads" and "Task max threads" under the IO subsystem workers configuration? ...
iWantSimpleLife's user avatar
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Cannot start wildfly with systemd

Centos 7 Wildfly-16.0.0.Beta1 JDK 1.8.0_212 I cannot start wildfly with "systemctl start wildfly" but I can start it with "/opt/wildfly/bin/ standalone standalone.xml &" ...
grepmaster's user avatar
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WildFly deployment fails due to 'unable to build Hibernate SessionFactory' - how to retry automatically?

In a customer's environment, updates are scheduled to run on several servers at nighttime, each time this happens our WildFly application is not recovering until I reboot the application server itself ...
maio290's user avatar
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Configure WildFly to use HTTPS

I am using WildFly25, and have it running with default settings. Server console WildFly Full 25.0.0.Final (WildFly Core 17.0.1.Final) started in 3938ms - Started 308 of 547 services (338 services are ...
Richard's user avatar
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WFLYEE0097: Module may not be a child of the EAR's library directory. When trying to deploy EAR

I am trying to deploy a web application to WildFly. Right now, I'm simply dropping an ear file in the <JBOSS_HOME>/standalone/deployments directory. When I do, I get the following error message ...
Oliver Norin's user avatar
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Getting rid of the error about the loss of content when updating was files in WildFly (or Jboss EAP) forever

It is not a trivial question about an error on WildFly(10): WFLYSRV0137: No deployment content with hash edba0011304daa1b2648eb4848a44536acbbebf6 is available in the deployment content ...
TheDESTROS's user avatar
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How to prepare and add Godaddy SSL wildcard certificate to Wildfly/JBoss

I have a done some research into how to prepare the wildcard certificate and add it in a manner in which it could be used within WildFly/JBoss (I'm using WildFly 16, but it should be the same for ...
TrunkFullOfGoats's user avatar
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How to identify cause of error 403 on JBoss WildFly server?

We are running an AngularJS application on JBoss WildFly. It used to work fine on both, our testing environment and in production. How, however, there is a weird error 403 issue in production now. ...
user1438038's user avatar
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Does Wildfly process HTTP requests in order of arrival in a single queue?

Java web application deployed on wildfly 10. This application exposes Rest webservices. Users, from different PCs, use a client which interacts with web services. Packets travel through the network. ...
user3637971's user avatar
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Failed to connect to LDAP server.: javax.naming.AuthenticationException

I have configured ldap in Jboss instance, however it's not being connected to ldap server and throws below error. 02:50:08,512 DEBUG [] (management task-1) Obtaining lock for ...
Vamshi Krishna's user avatar
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149 views Too many open files error in java 8 and wildfly

We are using wildfly 8 with jdk version 1.8 in centos stream 8 for our application. Recently we have been facing like application stop responding and on same time we found "Caused by:
Sandy's user avatar
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AWS EC2 Ubuntu instance launches WildFly (Java / Jakarta EE server) but seems inaccessible via browser

I am trying to setup AWS for a JBoss WildFly 31.0.0.Final to get a demo webapp up and running. So I found this tutorial:
Kawu's user avatar
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Can Wildfly/JBoss Management CLI with embedded host controller use a temporary local domain controller?

I need to use Wildfly/JBoss Management CLI to set up managed servers connections to the domain controller. It's under automation, so I'm using the Embedded Host Controller to avoid the hassle of ...
Emerson Prado's user avatar
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How to set Wildfly/JBoss domain controller IP address in managed servers using CLI?

I'm trying to change the domain controller IP address in JBoss/Wildfly managed servers using the management cli, but the configuration either keeps unchanged or changes in the wrong way. I can find ...
Emerson Prado's user avatar
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[name=Redis, majorVersion=6]; user must register resolver or explicitly set 'hibernate.dialect'

I have asked this question in stackoverflow already, but I think the question is more suitable here. Sorry for cross-posting. After successfully creating datasource for redis in wildfly, I am now ...
Sudipta Roy's user avatar
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JBoss CLI command running into failure

I want to automatically delete my Wildfly logs after a certain period of time (e.g. 3 days). As I am running my application in a container which has no access to crontab, I want to do this via a JBoss ...
Hannes Oberberger's user avatar
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Automatically delete log files with JBoss CLI for Wildfly application

I want to automatically delete my Wildfly logs after a certain period of time (e.g. 3 days). As I am running my application in a container which has no access to crontab, I want to do this via a JBoss ...
Hannes Oberberger's user avatar
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IIS/ARR reverse proxy negotiate pass-through

I am having hard time with IIS/ARR reverse proxying to WildFly application server. On Linux we use web-servers to offload HTTPS, authentication and security functions from application server, so the ...
kab00m's user avatar
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Wildfly 26.1.1.Final Elytron - LDAP "Context was closed"

I am following the Wildfly 26.1 Elytron documentation to try to get LDAP working for a local Wildfly 26.1.1.Final server running in standalone, but am running into an esoteric issue where the context ...
Gumpf's user avatar
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Prevent Wildfly from redirecting HTTP requests to HTTPS

I have a project running on Wildfly 15. For one scenario I need to disable HTTP requests being redirected to HTTPS. When I run the web application on localhost everything is fine, but when I replace ...
saeednzr's user avatar
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Wildfly 10 deployment not working very well by replacing war file

I have a java web application that is in charge to execute:"Welcome New York") Then I build the war file and it's deployed to Wildfly 10. After that, I check it out the log file ...
user3637971's user avatar
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locate all nested war/jar files inside jboss/wildfly - log4j [duplicate]

I want to detect all nested wars and jars containing the log4j library. I have jboss/wildfly services. I started to find out with 'locate | grep', but it shows me only tmp directories, not exactly war/...
grU's user avatar
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Wildfly standalone.xml - passing secret to KeyCloak SPI from elytron credential store

I'm migrating KeyCloak v15 (WildFly v23) passwords from the old vault to elytron credential store. It works fine for the standard use case. In standalone.xml, I have: /server/extensions/extension: <...
McLayn's user avatar
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Alternative to Google Analytics for WildFly application

We run a corporate web site that is hosted on a WildFly server. It is accessible through the internet, but requires individual logins for our customers. Basically, the project is password protected ...
user1438038's user avatar
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When Logging Into Wildfly CLI From Bash Script Keep Getting Help Context Displayed

I have several bash scripts that log a user onto the Wildfly cli and then run some tasks. For example: read -p "Enter Admin Name :" USERNAME read -s -p "Enter Admin Password :" ...
user1548815's user avatar
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Log files defined in logging profiles cannot be accessed by management interface in WildFly

I have a WildFly 15.0.1 running in domain mode in a Docker container. It has two logging profiles configured - one for each application deployed on it. When I log in to the HAL Management Console via ...
Konrad Botor's user avatar
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How to make Wildfly 11 server available during deployment?

We have an EAR with multiple WARs (web services). Those WARs talk to each other during deployment phase using Wildfly's HTTP server. We are using 8.2.0, 10.0.0 and 10.1.0 without problems right now, ...
Alojzij Blatnik's user avatar
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WildFly 17 load balance with mod_cluster without apache in domain mode

I've successfully created a WildFly cluster with 3 hosts in domain mode. Now I'm trying to get the mod_cluster subsystem without apache or other server in the middle, as I've seen it's possible, but I ...
Rafael Alcaide's user avatar
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WildFly run-batch: launch of all deployments with dependencies

I have a WildFly 10 server in which about 12 deployments are installed, and the list of deployments may change periodically. The main problem is that when i'm restart the server, applications are ...
TheDESTROS's user avatar
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How can I diagnose in Wilfly why security domain in Elytron, based on LDAP realm fails

I am trying to set up web application authentication against Active Directory using Elytron in Wildfly 16. Deployment fails. This question is not that much about Elytron configuration, but as ...
mvuot's user avatar
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Wildfly fails to connect to MySql database

I have inherited a wildfly-9 server application and a dedicated MySql database, and I'm trying to revive it. But wildfly tries to connect to the wrong database user, as if it was ignoring user/...
pawel.szczepankowski's user avatar