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7 votes
1 answer

worker_connections are not enough - Nginx, docker

In my production server we have several upstreams which are docker containers running behind a reverse proxy with nginx. One of this containers is a mqtt broker (mosquitto) that we use to connect ...
raven's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

HA Proxy and Websockets

I'm setting up my first HAProxy reverse proxy server. It's going to be a proxy for an HTML5 app running on tomcat from a different server. I was able to get it to proxy out via HTTP, redirect all ...
JoeInVT's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

nginx setup for wss:// keep getting 301 redirects

Can't get wss:// (or ws://) working on my Digital Ocean, Ubuntu server using nginx, keep getting 301 redirect and no connection. Websocket server: node + express + uws served on http://localhost:...
Michael Dausmann's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What is the free version of Sharepoint and where do I get it?

For (quite literally) playing around at home, I'd like to get a copy of Sharepoint. I might find a use for it, so I don't want a trial version. I'm aware that there is a "free" version that doesn't ...
Neil Barnwell's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Proxy wss through nginx (Connection reset by peer)

I have browser and server on ip-address a.b.c.d Now I have 2 possible URLs to server: Through Nginx from browser browser -> https://a.b.c.d/ -> server Through WSS from javascript browser -&...
Ivan Borshchov's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Nginx websocket 502 bad gateway

I'm trying to use nginx as proxy for websocket nodejs server, but I'm always getting 502 bad gateway. my domain config: upstream server { server; } server { listen 8085; ...
zajca's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

55GB LDF file in C:\Windows\SYSMSI\SSEE\MSSQL.2005\MSSQL\Data? How can I clear it?

It seems I had someone trying to perform brute-force login attempts on my SQL 2005 server. As a result, the log file has grown to about 55 gigs and sits in C:\Windows\SYSMSI\SSEE\MSSQL.2005\MSSQL\Data....
Ryan Peters's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Risks involved in setting up Kerberos authentication for WSS Reporting Services

We have an established Intranet based on WSS with two front ends and a database. Currently all authentication is NTLM. We have installed Reporting Services In Integration Mode. RS works as long as ...
Mesh's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Windows Sharepoint Services Login Problem

I am wanting to try out Windows Sharepoint Services on my Windows 2008 Box at home. The Windows 2008 Server is a domain controller. I have installed IIS 7, Active Directory, SQL 2008 Standard and ...
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3 votes
1 answer

How to configure streamlit to serve an app to www?

streamlit app is running in a centOS stream 8 virtual machine. Access from intranet is fine but fails with "streamlit please wait.. page" when accessed from www via subDomain.companyDomain....
384X21's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

WSS Load Balancing with SSL Termination at layer 4

Should it be possible to terminate SSL for wss (secure websockets) at a layer 4 load balancer? Seems to me that wss (and ws) in general would require TCP routing since an HTTP reverse proxy wouldn't ...
rbinion's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

SharePoint (WSS 3.0) not updating permissions based on Active Directory Security Groups

My organization has a small SharePoint server (WSS 3.0). Many of the permissions are assigned by putting an Active Directory Security Group as a user inside of a SharePoint group. Until now, this has ...
Josh G.'s user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Sharepoint alert email were blocked by Sophos 10.0 - are they gone forever?

We are running WSS 3.0 SP2 on Windows Server 2003 R2 x64. We had recently upgraded our Sophos Endpoint Protection from version 9.7 to 10.0. Immediately, our alerts stopped working (although it wasn't ...
Dan's user avatar
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5 answers

Add files to sharepoint via script

Looking for a way to automagically add files to a sharepoint document library. We have a process that runs and produces a file (Java process). We would like to either add the file directly to ...
Jibba's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Do I have to install WSS first to use MOSS07

I just spoke with an college about SharePoint, he then mentioned that I would have to install WSS first and then install SharePoint 2007 ontop of that. Is this true? I always understood that the ...
elhombre's user avatar
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1 answer

Install both WSS and MOSS on same machine

Is it possible to install WSS v3 and MOSS 2007 on same machine and run them both?
Janis Veinbergs's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Sharepoint 3.0 (WSS), IIS 6 authentication from foreign domain

I've searched everywhere for this... I have a standalone IIS server, that is not a member of domain, connected to our network via VPN. There are several webpages running on this server, Sharepoint ...
imagodei's user avatar
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1 answer

F5 Big-IP and WSS WebSockets

We have a F5 Big-IP load balancer that handles the SSL, so the servers behind it get HTTPS rather than HTTP (SSL off loading). I don't have version handy, but in the login page I can see "Copyright ...
NullOrEmpty's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

I can't view the default SSP's "Shared Services Admin Site" and I cannot make any changes to a newly created SSP through the "Site Actions" tab

I'm trying changed the "Search Settings" of a SharedServicesProvider so that I can change what kind of things can be searched in a SharePoint site, but I'm hitting a roadblock here. For the default ...
Michael M. Adkins's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

WSS "Cannot connect to the configuration database"

I have 64-bit WSS 3.0 installed on a 64-bit Windows 2003 Server. After installing WSS 3.0 I switched IIS to run in 32-bit emulation mode as we have some applications that require this. I'm getting a "...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Need advice on SBS 2008: Premium or Standard? WSS and/or MOSS?

we are going to get a SBS 2008 server (Standard) to handle file sharing, exchange etc in my company. We will most likely also use Sharepoint services on the server. The SBS is presented as an ...
grojo's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

WSS 3.0 Backup/Restore Root Site Collection to Sub-Site of New Site Collection

Our intranet was originally setup to be at the root of its site collection. We are trying to change this so that our new internet site will live in the root and the intranet will be a sub-site. At ...
brian-francis's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Copying from SPS2003 explorer view to local folder: "Edit Items" required?

When i want to copy from a document library in a SPS2003-site, only "View items" and "Browse directories" is not enough! If i try to copy from explorer view to my local hard drive, I get "access ...
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1 vote
1 answer

WSS 3, two sites on one IIS 6 and Srs

We are running wss 3 with integrated reporting services. The sharepoint site is running fine and so is reporting services. We're using ntlm authentication. We added another sharepoint site on the same ...
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0 answers

nginx wss proxy doesn`t work

I`m trying to run wss reverse proxy with nginx, but when i`m trying to connect, i`m getting error without any error codes. When i turned off ssl websocket started working correctly. My nginx config: ...
QW4D's user avatar
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1 answer

Create custom home page for each user in WSS 3.0

We are using WSS 3.0 with Windows server 2003 Std R2 for our office intranet. Right now every AD user logs on to the WSS site with same default page. I would like to know if it's possible to create ...
Hemal's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I get to resolve to with WSS3?

I recently purchased WSS 3.0 hosting from a local provider who set my environment up as For a couple weeks, any requests for the URL would resolve correctly and show ...
Chris Koenig's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Can't move or access WSS Central Administration site

We have several WSS Servers: WSS1 WSS2 WSS3 WSS4 SharePoint thinks that Central Administration is on WSS3 and that it can be access via SSL on port 22641. The problem is that central administration ...
Jim's user avatar
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0 answers

Map the version history in WSS as network drive

I believe I once saw that it was possible to share versions of documents in WSS like the library itself. e.g. when the path is like http://myShare/SomeDocuments then it was like http://myShare/...
Michael Niemand's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

SQL Server Licensing [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Can you help me with my software licensing question? We are looking at moving our fractured code base that uses MySQL in some places and SQL Server in other places. I'm ...
John's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Is there a way of rewriting wss to https Apache 2

Hi im currently trying to find a way to switch out the protocol of a url. Im having a server wich is running fine on its own but behind a apache reverse proxy its throwing the error connection to ...
T0b1a5's user avatar
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2 answers

Sharepoint Access Denied to new site - I am the primary admin

I keep getting access denied when trying to access my new site through a browser. In central admin i am primary administrator of the web app, i can connect to it using sharepoint designer and edit ...
chicken's user avatar
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1 answer

SIPML5 connection to Asterisk 13 over wss

I have successfully setup sipml5 using a standard non secure ws:// to an asterisk 13 server, can make and receive calls using demo at However, I am having ...
Sibin John Mattappallil's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

problems with installing WSS + SP 2 as a prereq of TFS 2008

i have an issue when i attempt to run the following Command stsadm.exe -o extendvs -exclusivelyusentlm -url http://WSSServerName:80 -ownerlogin Domain\UserName -owneremail "admin@localhost" -...
Eli B's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Sharepoint (WSS) - searching for column values - how?

I've created a document library in Sharepoint (SBS 2008/WSS 3.0). I did add a custom column (case #) to the list, and would like the users to be able to link to/search for documents with specific #'s. ...
grojo's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) 3.0 Migrating default Internal database to SQL Server

Does anyone know the best way to do that? I couldn't find any articles on this subject.
devXen's user avatar
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2 answers

WSS - Multiple password prompts

I'm using WSS 3.0 SP1 with IIS 6.0 on integrated authentication. However when access Sharepoint this is what happens. You are prompted for a password when you first access the site (via IE8), and then ...
Aaron Bush's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

TFS Sharepoint redirects "" to "SVTFS/default.aspx" (hostname)

I've installed TFS 2008 and along with that came WSS (Sharepoint) 3.0. The server is located in a DMZ and has a hostname of "SVTFS". When the clients access it from the outside they use the fully ...
henriksen's user avatar
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2 answers

Sharepoint 2007 per User Homepage

I have a Sharepoint 2007 server with lots of sites and lots of users. I'd like to be able to associate each user with their own default home page when they log in. IE: User1 goes to Site1 when they ...
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2 answers

Sharepoint Reporting Services on Intranet Farm

We have a Intranet Farm with two load balanced front end servers and a separate database, Report server is installed on box 1, so enysys data extenstions can access the sharepoint DOM. IIS-BOX 1 + ...
Mesh's user avatar
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0 answers

Nginx upstream wss proxy SSL_read() failed (SSL: error:0A000126:SSL routines::unexpected eof while reading)

What I need is Client <--wss---> nginx <--wss--> server I am doing a wss proxy, I have already got it working on Apache but I want to switch to nginx now here's the apache config: <...
Steve Moretz's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can't establish wss connection [React + ASP.NET Core, SignalR + nginx]

I have React app that talks to Asp.Net core API. Both of them are deployed on Docker on my VM. Nginx is installed and configured to resolve domain names for app ( - for react app, api.thesis....
urmat abdykerimov's user avatar
0 votes
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elb ssl termination for wss websocket fails net::ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_TRUNCATED

I am trying to get a websocket communication working through a classic ELB with ssl termination to wowza, a java based media server. Setup VPC R53 IPv4, Alias=Yes, Target myElb, ...
art vanderlay's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to configure WSS 2.0 in a way to access the wss 2.0 via the internet?

I'm trying to configure an old Windows Share Point Server 2.0 so that it will be reachable via internet or a least by a url other than http://companyweb/. Is this possible? It is running on Windows ...
David's user avatar
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1 answer

WSS 3.0 Forms Authentification for RoleManager

I'm trying to set up Forms Authentification with LDAP in SharePoint 2007 (WSS 3.0). I made it to the point where I can see users with prefix ad:<username> but I'm having trouble to get ...
MadBoy's user avatar
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preparing to migrate MOSS 2007 SP1 content into new server with MOSS 2007 SP2 with the same server name using builtin tools

To All Experts here, I'd like to perform a MOSS server content migration from the existing single instance server (SQL Server 2008, Windows Server 2008, SharePoint 2007 SP1) all in one and by ...
Senior Systems Engineer's user avatar
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1 answer

how to create a localized sharepoint site?

I have an English version of SharePoint installed. Just for the sake of a direct question, how can I create a German site inside of this English installation? I know what you might be thinking - ...
JL.'s user avatar
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