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Questions tagged [yaml]

YaML is a human-readable data serialisation format.

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8 votes
2 answers

quoting colon in ansible

I am trying to use ansible to check that the output of a particular program is set to a certain value. That value includes a colon followed by a space, and this seems to register as a syntax error no ...
stochastic's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Get current hostname and push it into conf file with ansible

I'm working into an ansible playbook to get the current hostname of a server and then set it into a configuration file. I cannot figure it out how can I push the shell output using the lineinfile ...
pedrocalixto's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to merge variables of type hash across different variable files in ansible?

I have two YAML variable files which are reused for many playbooks: # playbook/group_vars/all settings: a: 1 b: 2 # inventory/group_vars/main.yml settings: c: 3 I want settings to be equal {...
Jason Holcomb's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Adding an existing security group CloudFormation EC2 template

Instead of having to set ingress and egress rules, how do I reference existing EC2 security groups in a CloudFormation Template? Resources: EC2Instance: Type: AWS::EC2::Instance ...
rumplesmyboy's user avatar
6 votes
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Is it possible to change the current user's password in-band with ansible?

I have a Linux distribution that is freshly installed. It has a regular user with a default password, and a locked down root account (no password on root - can't be SSHed as directly). I want to be ...
Tal's user avatar
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5 votes
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Why do some r10k configuration files start their YAML lines with :?

I'm looking at setting up r10k for Puppet deployment, and I have various example r10k.yaml configuration files, but some seem to use an extra : at the start of many lines, for instance, at http://www....
Iain Hallam's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Ansible check if variable exists in attribute list

I have a variable containing details of host machines on my network (called 'hostlist' - I believe you call this a dictionary, but I'm not sure of the terminology. The variable is defined in a file in ...
Mike Williams's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Verifying Salt states before committing

I'm storing my salt sls files in a git repository, but I have the perennial problem that I can't verify my YAML represents a valid set of states that could be applied (I've also had difficulty ...
Andrew Aylett's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How does the formatting policy look like since Ansible 2.0?

I have seen multiple Ansible examples on github and in the ansible docs, e.g.: --- # this might be in a file like handlers/handlers.yml - name: restart apache service: name=apache state=restarted ...
030's user avatar
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How to define multiple /etc/hosts entries with Puppet ENC?

I'm writing an External Node Classifier for my Puppet infrastructure, and I have the need to manipulate the /etc/hosts file on each node. The following (due to the duplicate key) is invalid YAML: --- ...
Chris Tonkinson's user avatar
3 votes
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Contents in Kubernetes pod gets empty when persistent volume is mounted

persistent volume claim and persistent volume yaml file apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: my-volume labels: type: local spec: storageClassName: manual capacity: ...
aks's user avatar
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dict as value for YAML key in an Ansible task

I am unable to figure out how to pass a dictionary/hash-map of key-value pairs as the value for an option in an ansible tasks. Default Options: # roles/ec2/defaults/main.yml ec2: key_name: "{{ ...
Mark Feltner's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to pass a group value in inventory file to jinja2 template file in ansible

I have an inventory file named hospital.inventory and it contains following group with a single value. [dockerSwarmManager] Then I have a file name security.json.j2 inside the ...
AnujAroshA's user avatar
3 votes
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Cross-reference Ansible variables within the same mapping

How can I define an Ansible variable whose value is another variable in the same mapping structure? To allow sensible namespacing of variables, I am defining mapping structures like this, where some ...
bignose's user avatar
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Configure AWS CloudFront to send custom query params to origin

Is it possible to configure my AWS CloudFront distribution to append to the request a custom query param (e.g a private key) before sending it to the origin? For example, the front end is calling *....
Nadav96's user avatar
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Problems with setting up bonding on Netplan (Ubuntu server 18.04)

I have a dual port network card that I want to bond both ports and balance the traffic between ports. I want 1 static IP address. I used to ubuntu 16.04 and this worked fine. Im now trying to set ...
Craig Armitage's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

SaltStack: found conflicting ID

My sls file: /etc/sudoers.d/foo: file.managed: - contents: | foo ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl restart minio_storage-foo.service foo ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl restart ...
guettli's user avatar
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How to validate variables contents in Ansible?

ansible-lint only checks the tasks/handlers and doesn't iterate over the variables (e.g. if you're using with_items, it won't iterate over all the items) and yamllint only checks cosmetic issues and ...
user avatar
2 votes
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How to use Ansible modules replace or inline instead shell command with SED

i have file with string: MYAPP.db.username.DEV=MYUSERNAME Where: MYAPP mean name of applications DEV means environment MYUSERNAME means name of user for connection to db I need to replace these ...
Piduna's user avatar
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Create JSON Patch 6902 from two yaml/json files

Imagine I have a file foo.yaml and a modified version of this file called foo2.yaml. Is there a way to create a correspondig json patch 6902?
guettli's user avatar
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Use lookup/dynamic variable names in Ansible jinja2 template

The playbook below should generate a file with the content: a,b ssh_host_key ssh_rsa_host_key However, the way I construct the variable names results in either syntax/templating errors or 'variable ...
Willem's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Templated dict keys in ansible YAML

I am trying to use a dict in an Ansible task, which is defined like this: in vars/main.yml file: username: user1 userpass: pass1 users: "{{ username }}": pass: "{{ userpass }}" This doesn't ...
Alexander Shcheblikin's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I enable epel-release before installing packages with cloud-init?

I'm trying to install a few packages on CentOS 8 via cloud-init, like this: package_upgrade: true packages: - firewalld - htop One of them one of them requires epel-release repo to be installed ...
Chef Tony's user avatar
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Ansible error: The tasks/main.yml file for role 'common' must contain a list of tasks

I inherited this ansible git from my predecessor. I can't get it to work though and I guess it's something basic that I'm missing. It keeps giving me this lovely error: ERROR! The tasks/main.yml file ...
Frank Vermeulen's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable to delete daemonSet in k8s

I've created a daemonSet in k8s under the namespace kube-system. While trying to delete the deamonSet it got stuck (also when I force it) I've already tried to set a updateStrategy: RollingUpdate To ...
Lidor Ettinger's user avatar
2 votes
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patroni.exceptions.PatroniFatalException: 'Failed to bootstrap cluster'

I have a problem with patroni right here [postgres@localhost ~]$ patroni /etc/patroni.yml 2021-05-25 11:39:56,767 INFO: Selected new etcd server 2021-05-25 11:39:56,772 INFO:...
Tùng Nguyễn's user avatar
2 votes
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AWS CloudFormation - Creating Layer Version and Function that uses layer

I have a Cloudformation template that currently looks roughly like the following. Resources: MyLayer: Type: AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion Properties: CompatibleRuntimes: - nodejs12....
Randabut's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Puppet - Get interface name from netplan yaml config

How to get interface name which has nameservers defined? I want to get the interface name so I can pass it to another netplan puppet module so the nameservers can be replaced. But I only want to get ...
user630702's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

CloudFormation template: how to use Sub and GetAtt at the same time in short form?

I'm using yaml. So, we can use either: !GetAtt [ WebServer, AvailabilityZone ] !GetAtt WebServer.AvailabilityZone Also, we can use: !Sub 'sometext-${AWS::StackName}' how can I use GetAtt output ...
Putnik's user avatar
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How to use vars in ansible roles

I want to create a ansible role to add user with ssh_keys ├── ansible.cfg ├── hosts ├── playbooks │   └── add_user.yml └── roles └── add-user ├── files │   ├── ...
Nitigya Sharma's user avatar
1 vote
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CloudFormation stack yaml syntax?

I'm trying to create a SecurityGroup which has a tag like Name: SG-StackName. This code works perfect in json: "Resources": { "SecurityGroup": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup", ...
Putnik's user avatar
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How do I loop over items 1 by 1 in Ansible config (YAML/Jinja2)?

I am trying to loop over my hosts from my inventory in Ansible, and use the name of the host of that iteration in a command. In particular, I am trying to set the hostname of each of my hosts to ...
user3399551's user avatar
1 vote
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Commands not working “with_item” in ansible playbook

I am new to ansible and trying to write a basic playbook for mongodb backup with simplest method. here is what i am trying to do: --- - hosts: mongo tasks: - name: Mongo Dump command: ...
Ali Warrich's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Can you set the number of rounds that ansible's password_hash jinja2 filter uses?

In ansible, it's pretty convenient to use something like this: - name: Make sure user password is set user: name: my_user password: "{{ user_password|password_hash('sha512', 'SomeSalt') }}"...
Tal's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Alertmanager telegram config chat_id and cannot unmarshal errror

I am trying to configure alertmanager to send alerts to my telegram group. Following the configuration I have: global: resolve_timeout: 5m route: group_by: - job group_interval: 5m ...
Jose's user avatar
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1 answer

Ansible expect is not sending response

I'm new to ansible and trying it by writing an ansible playbook for installing graphite, as a part of it I have the graphite-manage syncdb command which I would like to automate. I wrote this task to ...
rivar_'s user avatar
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1 answer

saltstack configuration "No Top file or external nodes data matches found"

A very similar version of this question is asked here , but it's completely different since the person had their top file in the wrong directory. I have 3 projects, that I'll call project1, ...
trueCamelType's user avatar
1 vote
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I am getting an error in the ansible playbook file

I am trying to learn ansible and I have coded my first playbook but it gives me the error saying ERROR! We were unable to read either as JSON nor YAML, these are the errors we got from each: JSON: ...
nagesh naga's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to use wget with headers in liveness probe in a yaml file in kubernetes?

I am trying to use wget in my liveness probe in Kubernetes. Here is the code: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: namespace: test labels: test: liveness name: liveness-exec spec: containers:...
Edgar Peixoto's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

replace with regular expression in azure devops

I want to take this buildVariable Build.SourceVersion which will equal for example: 0gc58d92d905d62415b8866g3f48f17416da426s And replace from digit [7] till line end with empty string 0gc58d92 I ...
Shnbook's user avatar
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Password of new user with LXD and Cloud-init

I'm trying to create a profile to automate the creation of a container, but I'm having trouble with cloud-init. For some reason the password is not being set for the user and is also not being added ...
Matheus Saraiva's user avatar
1 vote
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How to convert and save raw data to PDF format using ansible

I will be getting some raw data directly from an API. I want to format this and convert into PDF file and save it. I gone through ansible modules. I am not getting any idea in this. Can someone ...
saffron's user avatar
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Create a tree-like structure with ansible

I have to create an LDAP structure with users and groups. The groups are a bit complex with a lot of nested groups etc. I need to create a tree like structure in my inventory, like the following: ---...
ptselios's user avatar
1 vote
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pod's name from an environment variables defined in yaml

how can I create a yaml file for pod that get its name from a environment variables defined in yaml file. I have tried this but it is not allowed. metadata: generateName: $(HOSTNAME) . . . env: ...
esxzawq's user avatar
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Puppet parse hiera in inline_template

I have got some .yaml hiera file with: iptables::test: ip: : 'adm-1' : 'adm-2' : 'adm-3' And i want to parse this file in inline_template. I write: $...
perrfect's user avatar
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Gitlab CI/CD with conditional scripts

Here is what I wish to do in GitLab CI/CD: Whenever something is pushed into a specific branch I wish to have multiple scrips and CI/CD should decide which script should be run based on the pushed ...
Bert's user avatar
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"Report-To" HTTP header implementation for GAE Standard

I'm attempting to add a "Report-To:" HTTP header to our App Engine's app.yaml configuration file for integration with (based on the Reporting API here, here, and here) but when ...
Jason Poirier Lavoie's user avatar
1 vote
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app.yaml isn't updated when I deploy (Google App engine/Google Cloud Platform)

This is my default app.yaml file: runtime: custom env: flex service: api runtime_config: jdk: openjdk8 handlers: - url: /.* script: this field is required, but ignored automatic_scaling: ...
djokerndthief's user avatar
1 vote
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Saltstack for firewalld

I am trying to get a state set up so that I can add the associated ports open in firewalld. Tried every example I can find and all fail. Here is my current: firewalld: service.running: - ...
Jonathan Hansen's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I install Development Tools via vagrant and ansible on Centos 6.7

I get this error when running my first ansible playbook (i.e. I am not familiar with ansible yet) TASK: [Install packages] ****************************************************** failed: [default] =&...
codecowboy's user avatar
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