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Questions tagged [zabbix-agent]

Zabbix agent is deployed on a monitoring target to actively monitor local resources and applications (hard drives, memory, processor statistics etc).

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1 answer

unit zabbix-agent.service is masked

When i try to start/restart/stop/status the zabbix-agent service. I get the following error. I precise that I have made an install and then purged - removed it to install another version (upgrade). ...
user396019's user avatar
5 votes
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Zabbix - service restart

I have zabbix monitoring multiple servers (Linux and Windows). Is it possible to have zabbix automate services that they are down to automatically restart?
John's user avatar
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4 votes
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Zabbix: What is the difference between `HostMetadata` and `HostMetadataItem`?

Question = headline ;-) Official docs here. I've read this example too, but still don't have a clue. Additional question: How can I specify multiple meta items? E.g. env=staging,server=db. I would ...
kev's user avatar
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Zabbix-agent unreachable

One of the servers monitored by Zabbix is not reachable. I have no idea why as this works normally with other servers. The zabbix-agent service on the monitored server is running. We have several ...
SPRBRN's user avatar
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zabbix agent vs agent2

I am working on deploying Zabbix in our organization and comparing zabbix agent vs agent2 I found following link which is useful, I just have a ...
Jigar's user avatar
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What are passive checks good for on Zabbix?

Official docs here. Passive checks = Zabbix server polling Active checks = Zabbix client (agent) pushing What is the advantage of passive checks? It requires an additional port on the clients to ...
kev's user avatar
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how to get CPU utilization in zabbix from Windows server?

I'm trying to monitor CPU utilization of windows 7 32bit PC (C2D E8400) using zabbix. I tried both "perf_counter[\Processor Information(_Total)\% Processor Time]" and "system.cpu.util[,system,avg5]". ...
Konstantin Petrukhnov's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I configure zabbix to add containers dynamically and monitor them across servers that have agents?

I am struggling with discovering and monitoring dynamic (i.e. moving) containers across multiple physical servers and affiliating the results with the container service, not the server on which the ...
deitch's user avatar
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1 answer

Zabbix: MySQL service monitor - invalid entry when restarting zabbix-agent

Take the following situation: zabbixserver: httpd, mysql-server, zabbix 2.2.11 with local database databaseserver: mysql-server zabbixserver monitors the local mysql database correctly. zabbixserver ...
SPRBRN's user avatar
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Zabbix: How do I configure a Trigger which will check if a specific value has been changed in the last 10 minutes?

I've been given the task to monitor a specific value in some MySQL server database, I need to raise a notification if the value has not been changed in the last 10 minutes. I've added to the ...
Itai Ganot's user avatar
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Zabbix with active checks

In Zabbix 2.0 I have configured zabbix agents to be active and disabled passive checks. I've also configured the host to automatically add these hosts to the "Discovered Hosts" host group. However, ...
hookenz's user avatar
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Zabbix - Populate Item with SQL Server Query

I'm trying to track a process that locks up regularly. It's a funky program that we have no control over. I'm trying to find a good way to track when the program stops responding. I have a query ...
WernerCD's user avatar
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Problems with vfs.file.exists on Zabbix 2.0

I'm having problems with vfs.file.exists on Zabbix 2.0.6 on a 64-bit Fedora 19 box. 2.0.6 is the latest version available from the Fedora yum repository, at the time of writing. I want to check for ...
G Mawr's user avatar
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What item-key to monitor when looking for CPU interrupts in Zabbix 1.8.2

What is the proper item-key to monitor when looking for CPU interrupts caused by NICs.
Robert Foss's user avatar
3 votes
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Zabbix: Monitor child spawn rate

We have set up zabbix to monitor our infrastructure, and our security team denied us to run custom scripts through zabbix. This makes our lives a bit harder to find solutions which don't require ...
hoisu's user avatar
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3 answers

Getting started with Zabbix

We run a small startup and just began interesting ourselves in monitoring our machines properly. The choice fell on Zabbix, which fits well into our criteria of requirements. I've setup the Zabbix ...
Industrial's user avatar
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Bulk Gathering of Numerous Discovered Items

(This is for Zabbix 2.2.2.) I have a discovery rule that can return 100+ items that I'd like to monitor. Each item's data can be gathered by a UserParameter invoking a separate executable. ...
mojo's user avatar
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Zabbix "Application" monitoring - How do I detect a "hung" frozen application

I have Zabbix Server on Ubuntu working... I have an Agent install on my Windows server. Template_Windows works wonders and gives me all sorts of stats that I'm happy to play with... The problem is ...
WernerCD's user avatar
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Zabbix - Value "1" of type "string" is not suitable for value type "Numeric (unsigned)"

I get this error when I changed the custom command from an application that prints to STDOUT to shell script that runs curl and produces the same output to STDOUT. What's going on here?
Hristo Kolev's user avatar
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Zabbix file system autodiscovery does not kick in

I have the following set up Zabbix server 2.2.2 Zabbix agent 2.2.2 I have the agent running on several Ubuntu 14.04 servers which have Template Linux OS applied on them. For some reason, the file ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
2 votes
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How to query custom performance counters using Zabbix agent?

I was thinking of instead sending data to Zabbix Trapper I could send to Windows Performance monitor and then capture it using Zabbix Agent. Is it possible? How?
Jader Dias's user avatar
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Zabbix auto remove unreachable host

I need to delete automatically my unreachable/down host in zabbix. All host are monitored using active agent hence network discovery auto delete is not handy/useful in my case. I have written a ...
user355522's user avatar
2 votes
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How to turn off triggers for a specific period?

I have an action which ping the zabbix agents of my servers and a trigger which notifies if there are more than 3 minutes without answer. The expression is: {
Dimas Kotvan's user avatar
2 votes
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Add Zabbix S.M.A.R.T. monitor to ESXi 5

I have a ESXi 5.1 host with 3 Hard Disk (1 SSD, 2 Magnetic) and I want to monitor them, especially for the S.M.A.R.T Data, that is critical and preannunce an HDD break. Since I'm really unfamiliar ...
CappyT's user avatar
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How to get the Log file name that we are monitoring using Zabbix?

I am trying to get the log file's name that we are monitoring using zabbix. Is there a way to do this? I created one item in zabbix to monitor log file like this: logrt["/var/logs/error_[0-9]{1,3}....
Veer's user avatar
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Zabbix jmx check availability

Sometimes in my zabbix I see so my JMX agent is unavailable, if anyone knows a way to monitor the status of the JMX agent, whether it is possible ?
Mick's user avatar
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Zabbix : Trigger Dependency not working Agent(Not reachable)-depends on>Proxy(Not reachable)

We have proxy-agent relationship in which I want to make agent not reachable trigger to be dependent on proxy not reachable. Setup we have say for example : Zabb-Prxy(Proxy) monitors Zabb-Agnt(Agent)....
A_01's user avatar
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4 answers

How to monitor HTTP URLs by Zabbix agents

​​​​​​​I have a monitoring scenario that I want to monitors some HTTP URLs that are in a LAN and send the results to the Zabbix server on the Internet. Zabbix can be used for monitoring HTTP URLs ...
sajad's user avatar
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zabbix_agentd ERROR: cannot add user parameter "mysql.status[*]

Zabbix agent complains when trying to start: Starting Zabbix agent: zabbix_agentd [...]: ERROR: cannot add user parameter "mysql.status[*],echo "show global status where Variable_name='$1';" | HOME=/...
Erik I's user avatar
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What dose these units means in zabbix?

When i try to set some items for my disk read and write, I found it by and zabbix-agent. This item contain a parameter named type which some of them are unknown for me. ...
shgnInc's user avatar
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Zabbix: How can I monitor whether remote commands are enabled?

I have a problem with some zabbix triggers not firing due to the fact that EnableRemoteCommands hasn't been enabled on certain hosts. I tried to address this by adding a trigger specifically checking ...
lucas's user avatar
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Zabbix Cannot Get Value From Agent [closed]

I am attempting to connect Zabbix to a host and am getting the error: Get value from agent failed: cannot connect to [[]:10050]: [4] Interrupted system call I am not sure why this ...
Evan Bechtol's user avatar
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Zabbix server port 10051 is blocked in firewall and need to use only 80 port

I have a zabbix server installed in ubuntu 18.04 in AWS cloud and setup the domain & SSL. The AWS server has a nginx web server running in port 80 & 443 and apache2 is configured in 7526. Only ...
Achuthan's user avatar
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How to check that a process is running under specific Windows user with Zabbix

I wonder if it's possible to monitor if a Windows application is running under specific user or not. Let's say there are 2 Win users (accounts) on the server: User 1 has application.exe running all ...
Arsen's user avatar
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How Can I Have An Action Run On Hosts Where A Given Trigger Is Already "True?"

Setup: Zabbix 2.4 | RHEL 6.4 I'm configuring a method to allow Zabbix Agentd services to automatically update their own binaries when a trigger is thrown (using Git as the vessel). Two triggers are ...
BrM13's user avatar
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Zabbix 1.8.2 agent does not work when monitored Debian system has IPv6 enabeld

We have a Zabbix Server 1.8.2 running on an Debian VM - installed from the repositories of Squeeze. Also, we are installing Zabbix 1.8.2 agents in various other VMs, most of them running Debian, ...
brandizzi's user avatar
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Zabbix Agent Wont Discover Services with Remote Script

I'm trying to create template that relies on PowerShell scripts which enumerates the services on a remote Window server. It should then create an item for each service that defaults to disabled where ...
Kirkland's user avatar
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How to configure port access with restrictions for zabbix agent and server using firewall?

I have my Agent / Server configured correctly, I know this because it was working. I just made changes to the firewall on the agent side restricting access on port 10050, but permitting the Server ...
mcv's user avatar
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Zabbix active check monitoring issue

I am new to zabbix monitoring tool, and I am facing some issues while configuring active check based monitoring. The Zabbix server is hosted in AWS cloud and the server to be monitored is placed in a ...
SARATH CHANDRAN's user avatar
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zabbix user unable to execute sudo mysqladmin ping

I am trying to check whether MySql is up by using a UserParameter in zabbix. UserParameter looks like this.,sudo mysqladmin ping | grep -c alive | wc -l When I execute ...
fatninja's user avatar
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3 answers

Time is off in Zabbix graphs

I have two instances of zabbix running on two different RHEL servers. Data presented in web user interface on one are off by 2 hours and on the other by 3 hours (ahead). For example instead of 15:00 ...
Tomas's user avatar
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How do I allow access to a service running on a Forefront TMG Server?

I'm setting up Zabbix for monitoring on our network. So far everything is going well, the agent is installed on all the servers. All the servers except the Forefront one are communicating with the ...
Richard C's user avatar
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Zabbix server and client with 2 IP-addresses

Zabbix server-5, Debian 10.4. Data from remote hosts are collected via Zabbix Proxy ( zbp1 ). Scheme of connection is on image below. Remote host connects via his ISP #1 to main office using VPN-...
Someone's user avatar
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Zabbix active agent can't connect to Zabbix server - connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

I am already using active agents on other servers and everything works really nice. I've performed installation of Zabbix agent on new server and I've set the same config as in other active agents. ...
Paweł Zimny's user avatar
1 vote
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Get value from agent failed: TCP successful, cannot establish TLS to ][]:10050]: connection closed by peer

The color of ZBX Availability is changing into red from green and getting following error message on Zabbix Active Check monitoring: "Get value from agent failed: TCP successful, cannot establish ...
AlwaysALearner's user avatar
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In Zabbix, how do I prevent triggers from firing based on another trigger's status?

Here is my current setup: Basically, I have one trigger that runs a web scenario every 15 seconds to see if my service is online. Then, I have two other triggers that run web scenarios every 60 ...
Gray Adams's user avatar
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Zabbix : How to acheive 1s interval with active items?

Is it even possible/recommended ? We are trying to set up few active items configured with a 1 second interval. However those items don't keep up the desired interval, instead we are gathering a ...
Wexiwa's user avatar
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Zabbix's UserParameter returns two value and none is correct

I have created user parameter measure speed of the writes on the iscsi lun that looks as such: UserParameter=write.perf.mon[*], mytime="$(time -p (dd if=/dev/zero of=$1 oflag=direct bs=4k count=1000)...
Dmitry Sterh's user avatar
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Zabbix Active Agents not working over the Internet

I have set up my Zabbix server to listen for the active agent which, after messing with my firewall and host names I got to appear green under the monitored status. I also configured the Agent on a ...
fistameeny's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Is it safe to expose zabbix_agentd to public internet?

One of my machine set by a third party contractor is running zabbix_agentd in the network that can be accessed from the Internet (i.e. no firewall port blocking) I want to ask, it is safe? Is the ...
Howard's user avatar
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